Chapter Six

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Joanne's POV ( again )

Three days later. . .

I knocked on room 124, which is the room that the receptionist said Maureen Johnson was staying in. I had neatly folded all her things and put them in a suitcase for her.

No response, she was probably still asleep even though it was four in the afternoon, so I knocked again, harder this time.

Again, no response, so I called her phone. She answered after seven rings.

" Joanne?"

" Hey, uh, I'm outside your room door with your things. Can you come get them?"

" I won't be needing my clothes in Hell, will I?"

I got alarmed quickly." What?"

" I love you, Joanne. I hope you know that."

" Maureen, what are you doing?"

" I think you know."

Then she hanged up on me. Maureen was going to kill herself. Thanks to me.

I ran like I never did back downstairs and told the receptionist what was happening. I called 911, and she gave me a card to go into the room and a doctor to come with me.

I opened the door to Maureen's room and didn't see her. So I went into the bathroom and there she was, hanging from the ceiling on a rope.

" Oh my God, Maureen!"

The doctor cuts the rope so she falls into my arms and there was a mark coming all around her neck.

" Maureen!" I yell. She wasn't breathing the doctor told me, and my heart fell into my stomach." My baby, I'm so sorry."

I don't think I have to tell you how much I was crying, or if I could even describe it. I could barely breathe.

I hugged Maureen close into my chest, rocking her back and forth.

Suddenly, I saw a flinch in her hand. It was small, but I noticed it. Then Maureen started coughing, and she sat up. I was gasping now, my lip was quivering.

Maureen turned back to me and smile weakly. I wasn't properly processing what was happening right then, but I was enough to pull Maureen into a tight hug. She grabbed on to my arms and kept her head on my chest.

Maureen's POV

Two days later. . .

These doctors weren't letting me leave and Joanne had a court date, it ended at four, which was only a few minutes away, so I was here all by myself.

A doctor came into my room." Maureen, can I speak to you please?"

I nod at the doctor.

" So, I didn't know if you were aware that just about nineteen days ago, you were intoxicated with a pill that would put you under the control of the person who gave it to you?"

I widen my eyes at him. " What?"

" Yes, it's very advanced technology, we've never seen it before actually- - -"

" I don't care!" I yell and yank the vaccines out of me and run out.

" Catch her!" I heard doctors yell behind me as I ran out of the hospital.

I got to run out of the hospital before anyone caught me and I got in a cab to Joanne's house. I go to her apartment and swing open the door, which was surprisingly unlocked, only to see Joanne and Viola kissing on the couch.

They both look back at me and Joanne sits up immediately, pushing Viola off of her in the doing.

I backed slowly out the door.

" Wait, Maureen. Let me explain."

" You don't have to. We're not together anymore. But damn, Joanne. It's been a week and you already have your rebound? "

Joanne was standing now." No, Maureen, it's not like that. Really, I just- - -"

" You just don't love me anymore. I get that."

" No, it's not that, Maureen- - -"

I cut her off by running down the hallway, and getting in the elevator. I couldn't believe her. I nearly died because she didn't love me anymore, and she's already screwing Viola.

Joanne's POV

Three days later. . .

I sat at the bar, drunk as hell, by myself. Viola left me after I told her I still loved Maureen. What did she expect? It had only been a few days!

I was at the bar that Maureen worked at, but she wasn't there right now. My head was down.

" Are you okay?" Someone asked me.

I didn't wanna look up at them." No."

" What's wrong?"

" You don't wanna hear my girlfriend problems."

" I have all the time in world."

" My girlfriend cheated on me and I'm pretty heartbroken, so I kicked her out of our house and she tried to commit suicide because of me. I was so. . . Depressed, I guess, that I made out with this other girl who liked me, but I don't like her. Even though I hate it, I still love the girl who broke my heart. We were gonna get married and crap, but we didn't, obviously. I don't know what to do with my life now. I'm still so deeply in love with her, but I don't know if I can trust her."

I heard a sob and looked up, only to see Maureen standing before me. Was I talking to her the whole time?

" Maureen?"

" My pookie, I still love you, too."

" You weren't supposed to hear that."

Maureen jumped over the counter and landed inches away from me. She kissed me, surprising me. But I still loved every moment of it. She grabbed on to my waist and I wrapped my arms around her neck.

When she let me go, she just stared at me. Without thinking, I ran out of the bar.

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