Chapter 6

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I should've went around the house or never have even come here so early, she thought deeply. Thoughts were running through her mind but nonetheless she sucked a deep breath and straightened her back before entering the living room where she heard her mum talking breathlessly with a joyful voice to someone. 

When Clove arrived to the room, she placed the bag of chicken to a nearby chest of drawers and looked to see her mum and dad sitting on the couch where she could see them clearly and someone on the other couch which was positioned closer to her where she could only see the person's back. 

"Ah!...Uh...Clove," Her mum said slowly as she looked at her daughter from head to toe with an unsure face. 

Her dad on the other hand put a hand to his face to contain his silent laughter. She looked down to her shorts and oversized T-shirt then to her neon cat bag and shrugged. 

Suddenly, the person stood up and Clove realised how tall they were. From behind, she could see his muscles flexing from his black blazer and that his hands were both in his pockets.  

She groaned lightly so that she could only hear and leaned on the door frame as she crossed her arms.

The first thing Clove noticed was his tousled black hair that looked as if the wind blew at it for hours. And then his amused green eyes that looked bright as it shone even in the darkness of the living room, his jawline looked as if Henry Moore sculpted it because it looked sheer. He had muscles of course and she could see them popping out from his white dressing shirt. When she saw his body all she could think of was ways to dissect his muscles and see- 

C'mon Clove...let's be serious now, she thought as she chuckled to herself. 

All in all he was handsome and looked like one of the models you would see in popular magazines.

From his movements, she could tell he was studying her because his eyes moved around her body. 

Her parents stood up and watched as Clove walked in and raised her arm towards the man for a handshake.

"Clove Glover, pleased to meet you" She said and flashed her smile. 

The man looked surprised but then smiled as he took in her hand and shook it. Clove felt her soft hand touch his calloused ones as she looked intently at his eyes. 

"I'm pleased to meet you as well, I'm Devon Drakos" 

She took back her hand and couldn't help it and asked,"Ah! You must be Greek then?" 

That was when the man's face switched into shock. He quickly turned back to where her parents gave him the casual shrug as if they had to do this every time a new visitor had to come. He turned back to the smiling girl and laughed. 

"Yes...I am Greek", he shook his head and turned back to face her parents again.

"I guess you were right about your daughter being bright. Anyways, thank you for your service Mr and Mrs Glover but I'd love to explain everything to Clove privately" He said in a calm voice. 

"Oh sure! We'll be in the kitchen if you need anything." Her mum chirped and grabbed onto her husband's arm as she dragged him towards the kitchen.

Clove's eyes were focused on Devon the entire time when she first saw his eyes. 

"Please have a seat" She said as she herself sat on the couch where her parents sat opposite of Devon.

Devon also sat and looked back at her as he leaned forward and planted his crossed hands on his knees.

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