Chapter 16

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Clove was walking with Keira by her side through the hallways as they talked about countless stuff; where they came from, what school they both went to, and how the games were going. 

"You know're really popular in the media, almost everyone is curious at what you'll do next," Keira said. 

"Really? Wow...I gotta say I'm a bit embarrassed!" 


"Yeah! And everyone is really curious about your relationship with Achilles, there's a lot of rumours too!" 

"Well, there's really nothing going on between us, but anyways I have to go. My door's right there, so see ya!" Clove smiled and waves her hand, leaving behind Keira and opening her room door. 

She didn't see anything peculiar but she went through every cabinet and room she could find and searched the place. 

When she didn't find anything, she went straight to the toilet. 

She looked at herself in the mirror. 

Staring back at her was a bright and normal girl-

"SHIT! SHIT! SHIT!" She screamed. 

She opened the taps and splashed her face with cold water a few times, her heart was racing and her hands were both clutching onto the sink on both sides. 

Clove couldn't bear to look at the girl in front of her...but her head slowly raised.

Some of her fringes were dripping wet and her once bright blue eyes looked so concerned and...mad.

There was no giggling in reality...but there was in the deepest depths of Clove's head. 

A soft giggle. 

"Shut up! Shut up!" 

She shook her head and kept on moving frantically as she finally fell to the floor and caught her head with her hands. 

Her back was against the solid frame of the door behind her. 

For a few moments, she was just there sitting on the ground. 

There were no tears. 

Knock, knock, knock.

The sounds came from the main door of her room. 

Her face was still buried beneath the cluster of her hair and she could already tell that there were already knots and dampness from all the turmoil. 

Another set of three knocks rang at the door. 

And her legs found their way upwards and started to strive out of the bathroom. 

During the walk, her hands felt the soft curls of her hair and untangled the messy knots as she brushed them with her fingers. 

She grabbed a t-shirt that was laying lifelessly on her couch and started to wipe her wet face. 

Knock, knock, kn-

"Good afternoon! Clove Glover is alive!" She said cheerfully. 

A man wearing a suit was standing at her doorway and had black shades on. 

"Miss Glover...Sir Vincent Clark has given you an invitation for lunch. If you would come with me I can direct you to the exact location." The man explained. 

"Really?... Please do so I'd very much like to join him for lunch"

The man had given her a few minutes to change into an outdoor outfit. 

Gamble of Lies (Book 1)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant