Outiko-Chapter Three

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"Ugh mom jesus I'll be downstairs in a sec I'm packing my sketchbook and camera!"
I shouted at my mom.
God she gets on my nerves sometimes. At least I might meet a cute boy on this camping trip...gah! Get a hold of yourself, mind, and get out of the gutter.
Back to packing.
I'd thrown in random clothing and was now figuring out how to fit my sketchbook and camera in one satchel. Plus all my sketch pencils sliding around and generally making any organizational venture impossible.
I plugged in my headphones, playing the song Chime. At least, Lolzneo's mix from their animation meme. It's really catchy.
I catch myself swaying my hips like a girl, and turn down the music.
God I might be gay but I don't have to act like a girl. Plus if my sib caught me I wouldn't ever hear the end of it. Ugh I think I finally figured out how to fit my camera in my bag. Good job, distracted me.
I race downstairs, tossing my bag into the far back of the van, and burrowing into my blankets. My music drowns out everything else, and as luck had it my tablet died the moment we got to the campsite.
// timeskip cuz I'm lazy //
I sat in my chair, reading boredly. A glimmer catches my eye and I stand up. Strangely, mom and sis and dad don't notice at all. That nags at me for a moment before I am walking into the woods, following the gentle glow as the pendant around my neck gets warmer.

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