Outiko Chapter Five

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"Um, it's getting kinda lat-WTF WAS THAT!!!!"
A loud crack resounds, smaller echoes following. Something just felled a tree near us. A shadow flickers into view at the edge of the small ring of trees we stand in. I can't make out much other than the outline of massive horns, pointing up, and a fuzzy collar on its jacket.
Kyrian swears in a voice strained with anger and surprisingly, fear. My eyes flicker back to the shadow, now much closer and easier to see.
White hair, shaved on one side and hanging down his shoulder in a braid on the other side. Kyrian swears again. I keep analyzing the boy, trying to figure out just what he is. Massive horns curve upward from his head, not tinted red like Kyrian's were but fully dipped in blood and still dripping.
Could he be the one who injured Kyrian? I glance at him, noticing that his bandages are hanging loosely and exposing his wounds. That must be how the other one found us. The sun has set fully, and I get to feeling cold.
All of a sudden, Kyrian bites down on my hand; taking a chunk of flesh and leaving a bloody wound. The other demon laughs. I watch Kyr grow, becoming once again the nine foot tall beast I'd met.
He growls fiercely, then snatches me and sprints away. Despite how weak his form looks, he lifts me into his back with no problems.
On instinct, I wrap my legs around his waist and grab onto his antlers. He picks up speed once he's sure I'm secured, the trees nothing more than blurs on either side of us. When I glance back, I see the other one's shadow form glitching from tree to tree, keeping pace with Kyr.
I turn my head forward again, and almost wish I hadn't. Kyr narrowly avoids a tree, and I hear the other one smack into it. I barely hold back a snicker.
Then a shadow blurs out of the trees ahead. Kyr stops dead, talking to it as it takes on human form.
"Your damn brother is after me again. And this time he's trying to kill my mate."
I froze at his words. Mate? Surely he meant some girl, not me, right? The boy glanced at me in the same surprise I felt myself.
I noticed that his hair was dark grey, cut just below his ears. He was a partial heterochromic, one eye solid gold and the other a half and half of deep red and black.
I supposed the black was the genetic result of mixing red and gold.
He sighed.
"Of course he's a myrick, could you have picked a bigger target for my brother?"
Kyr sighed as well, but it sounded closer to a growl.
"He chose me. You know how myrick are. We can choose anyone we want. But myrick, they choose one mate and never leave them."

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