Chapter Eight-New Years Special

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Lights covered the sprawling mountain town below us, from my vantage point on Kyr's shoulders I could see the whole town almost. It was so pretty, all the little sparkling dots.
I looked down at Kyr, and smiled at how he was spacing off. It was so cute, how he'd stare off into the distance and then try to act like he'd been listening.
I lightly kissed one of his antlers, snapping him out of his daze. He smirked at me, blushing a little bit. His hands snaked around my hips, lifting me up off his shoulders and setting me down in front of him.
"It's not fair when you're up there because I can't kiss those cute lips of yours."
I blush redder, but lean in as he kisses me gently. He tangles his fingers in my hair, one hand pressing against the small of my back to keep me close to him.
We're both still in our human forms, and midnight is fast approaching, so I let him bite my lip hard enough to draw blood and shift him before I shift.
Now I feel powerful, but he's still a good two feet taller than me. He sits down, crossing his long legs in the grass. I grab the bottles of cider we brought, popping them open. Then I fold my legs under me and lay beside him.
We watch the stars as the church bell rings out midnight, each saying our wish for the New Year.
"I wish I could be here forever, in this moment."
"I wish I never have to leave your side."
He smiles at mine, tugging me close.
"If I have my way, my mate will never leave my side."
I rest my head on his shoulder. It's quiet now, the town settling down for the night now that midnight has passed. It's so peaceful and I start to fall asleep. I close my eyes, curling into his embrace as the stars shine above us.

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