Outiko Chapter Four

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A/N: most of the pics have some sort of relevance to the storyline
It was there again, standing at the edge of the trees and staring at me with massive golden eyes. I handed it a piece of bacon from breakfast, and stood before it.
It gently took the food, devouring it as its maw seemed to split apart. When I blinked, it went from a nine foot tall demon to a boy, my age, wearing torn and muddy clothes that looked like they were from ancient times.
I knelt down, lifting his sleeping form. He was unnaturally light, almost terrifyingly so. I supposed it was nothing out of the ordinary for his kind.
He shifted in my arms, waking up. His eyes opened, golden orbs catching my gaze and making my heart race. He blinked, standing unsteadily as I set him down.
He fell forwards, his human body unused for so long that it had grown weak. I caught him, yet again shocked at how light he was. It was like catching paper, or a ghost.
He stepped back, fumbling for words. At first, all he could do was make the same warbling cry the demon had emitted. He said a single word, and seemed so relieved that I supposed it was his name.
I smiled, glad to know his name.
"I'm Alovkya."
He smiled too, and for a moment I swear I saw his chest glow faintly blue. The sun was setting, I must have wandered farther into the woods than I'd thought.

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