Outiko Chapter Six

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I blink. Myrick? Mates for life? Is Kyr trying to say that my lack of fear around him meant I wasn't human and was his mate?
He sets me down, looking at me with such tender fear and hope in his golden eyes, and gently licks along my neck. I shiver, knowing on some instinctual level that this warm, liquid feeling is mate heat, and that this is the only way he can kiss me in this form.
He kneels back, his massive frame looking this small is kinda cute.
I lean forward to him, kissing his antlers gently and brushing my fingers along the healed wounds on his arms. My body is still feeling really warm all throughout and fuzzy around the edges, and I guess he was right.
I can't see myself with anyone other than him. I really am a myrick.
He stands, but he no longer seems as tall anymore. I realize why when I look down. Instead of my human limbs, I have an almost centaur-like body. Built similar to a deer's, but with soft, slick flesh instead of fur and little scales running down my spine. The tail that sways behind me is thin, the bones of my spine poking up enough to be visible but somehow I know it isn't bad.
My hooves aren't really hooves in the sense most humans think of them, but little pads made up of multiple tentacles with little suckers to balance and...I think I can sense seismic vibration.
My head feels heavy and I knock my knuckles against hard bone when I reach up to check. Long, curling, slender horns twine from just above my forehead to between my shoulders, little offshoots of bone covered in scales similar to the ones on my back decorating them.
Kyr makes the same warbling sound he had when we met, and my heart skips a beat. He's my mate. Nobody else. He's mine.
I wrap my arms around him, holding on tightly to him as the demon boy fights his brother, the sounds of their battle echoing.
Wingbeats sound, and I glance up to see a massive shadow familiar, backing the brother on our side. It roars, and the younger one turns tail, not before shouting some foul curses in Russian.

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