TOMTORD! (power AU)

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~Tords p.o.v~
I woke up groaning‚ Today was my first day of school, I sighed and got out of my bed stretching

I head for my closet and got into my normal beautiful red 'hentai lover's shirt and black hoodie with my jeans and sneakers‚ (talkies? Kicks?  Shoes?  Whatever you call em) I heard Pat call me from downstairs saying I'm going to be late

I groaned and brushed and tried to make my hair look a Lil less messy but failed terribly. I sighed annoyed and got out my room with my bag.

"don't got time for breakfast Pat I have to get going!" I say quickly trying to get to the door

But I failed and he grabbed be my the back of my hood‚ "hey hey hey!  You need to at least take a piece of bacon!"

I sighed in defeat‚ I hate that he knows my weakness! Damn me and my love for bacon!
I sighed and took a piece of bacon and looked at pat "happy now?"

He smiled and noded he pushed me to the door "good luck on your first day of high school sweetie!  And remember! Make sure no one knows about your powers!" (I'm making the eddsworld gang be the only ones with powers :33 sorry I haven't read the book of this AU XD) 

I grain and walks out the door heading for school‚ taking my headphones out and put them on listing to pork soda by glass animals.                

(bootiful time skip to were Tord gets to school) 

~Still Tords p.o.v~

I got to school looking around,  'OK popular girls.. Jocks, Nerds, hipsters and emo kids..  Ugh.. I'll just be a loner for now' I thought to myself heading to my locker.

I simply slammed it(locker) and it opened right away,  some kids looked over to me in disgust, others just confused why people are looking. (that's me) (also OC because story) 

I rolled my eyes and put all my books away,  just went some walked up to me.  She had freckles all over her face arms and neck plus chest, a short and fluffy looking boy cut. She had one pitch black eye and one purple. She had afew piercings here and there. She wore black jeans with a hentai shirt and combat boots. 

"heya,  my names Gabriel, but call me gabe. I see your new here,  and it's my job to show you around the school" she sounds to tired of this. But looked like she was Atleast trying.

I shrugged blushing slightly, not really used to people talking to me. "ehm..  OK Gabe..  I'm Tord.."

She... Err.... He?  I don't know..  Let's say she!  She smiled showing off Sharpe fangs. "OK follow me Tordtilla" she chuckled walking to a section of the school.  "this place is called the to- I mean the study room.  We're all the nerds and some smart jocks and other people come to learn or some shit. "

She seems..  Like she is so over this...  Just then she walked past a bunch of doors "these are all the classrooms. And over their" *she pointed to a huge ass door "is the gym. Were us fat kids suffer."

She turned and looked at me "I'll show the rest later. But you need to know the people in the groups. Before making friends " she walked over to bunch of kids that are wearing black gray and red she stopped looking down at all of them "Tordtilla. These are the emos. Edd, sKuLlY,  night and alpha...  The rest of em are most likely ditching school.  These guys are cool. And TRUST me when I say this....  They are SUPPER chill... "

I was kinda took back by how straight forward this chick is..  Back whatever...  She then walked over to a bunch of girls and 1 guy that are wearing pink purple and what not "these are the brats- I mean..  'cool girls' matilda, Matt, Jessie, pinky, Lilly and Ellana... They are the worst. And bully's. Besides Matt... He's just a pretty face and wouldn't hurt a fly." I looked over them and gulped.

Gabe then walked over to a bunch of HUGE dudes. Wearing those high school sport team jacket things... "and these areeeee the jocks. AKA handsome dudes chick magnets.  What have you. I'm part of this group. But we have Thomas, Edwardo, Mark, Skull, Soul,  Gabby ANNDD me" Gabe turned to me "now you know all your groups. So I'll leave you with these guyss and whatever. I'll be back. Don't move from this spot."

She looked at the guys and said something to them softly. I could not hear

~Gabe's p.o.v~

"you hurt him I rip your dicks off..." I snapped my neck to gabby "and you tease him..  You will not have cola for a year.. " they all nodded fastly besides Tom..

He's just a gay that doesn't give a shit. And frights for nothing. I walked away going over to one particular girl.

~Tord p.o.v agian~

I gulped and looked up at all of them. The one called gabby smirked slightly "thomass~ lookkk~ this could be your new toy~" she giggled.

The one with.. No eyes..?  Growled "shut. Up.." gabby just giggled more.

Edwardo came closer to me and smirked "your maxes ain't ya~?" he smirked evily.

I shocked and shook my head "not anymore.. " Edwardo smirked more "so you can be claimed~ oh~ this will be just.." he put his hand on my thigh "lovely~" he chuckled darkly.

I squeaked "OI-"

just then someone punched him.. I looked over and saw Gabe and Tom actually punched him the same time..  "EDWARDO YOU FUCKING FUCK TARD--" Gabe said loudly. "HEY!" Tom yelled making Gabe look at him. "I'm the ONE who swears people out.  Not you!" Tom said. Gabe rolled him eyes and looked at me "are you OK?"

I sighed and nodded but then noticed my hands were heating up going red slowly 'OH SHIT' I quickly ran to the bathrooms and went inside. My body started to turn red and I was slowly going to flames (oh hello) "shit!" I gasped as my body was now fully in flames.  I looked normal to say...  Well..  Besides I was a ball of fire. 

(times skip cuz I'm a lazy bastardd)

I've been in here for afew minutes... 1 to be exact.. (wow that's so long right?) I herd someone open the door. 'SHIIT'

I tried to run out but remembered I'm still a FuCkIng fIrE bAll! I looked up and saw Tom looking at me blankly. He looked like he was made of ice.  Literally.. He looked cold and pale as fuck....  Plus his eyes were now blue voids. He came over to me making me back away. 

He came closer so we were face to face. (I'm putting my dumbass logic cuz IDK what to put in this) I felt like I was dying down and sizzling. I twitched slightly and tried to back up more but hit my back against the wall. 

He came closer once agian. And was face to face to me. He smirked at me "so you got powers to?" he asked plainly still with a smirk. 

I felt a little weird about this..  "y-y-yes.." (what powers would Matt have????) 

He chuckled and pulled me to him I squeaked and herd a sizzling sound.  "ooww... Back up-! I-it OW!" I looked like I was going to turn to coal.  I mean..  ISNT FIRE SUPPOSED TO MELT ICE?!  (no tortilla. This isn't logic land it's FANFIC logic MWHAHAHA) 

(what would like...  Have.. The power to make mirrors XD)  "nope,  burn baby Burn" he chuckled and pulled me Evan closer

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