teen Tord X Teen Tom (cringe old shet)

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(OK so this is where I'm switching Tord up a Lil) (sooo.. He has freckles and is a total weeb he is OK with English like and he's also a emo all the way. You all know he's gonna be short and tHiCc) (as for Tom he's a jock cliché I know but eh, he's a buff boi and tall as fucc.) (oh and mom if your reading this--- u know the story line is confusing 👌) Also imma try something new and make Edd taller than Matt 👌👌 why? Because I'm making new Lil fandom of mine for eddsworld-- its.. Like a Au-- but damn this is long! - lets just get started)

~Tords p.o.v~

Me and my dads moved to a place called England.. (IDK WORK WITH IT XD) it's hard because now I must learn a new thing called English.. I mean I can speak it but not very good.......

But it's good enough I mean for school ATLEAST..


I groaned "OK MOM!" I replied, I got out of bed and got into my hentai shirt by hentai I mean YAIO, and my black hood with my gray jeans and combat boots.

I put some hair over my red eye.. In the past I got bothered badly about it.. But never mind that! (one of his eyes are gray and the other is red lol)

I grabbed my black bracelet and put it on then grabbed my bag. I went down and looked at Mom and dad. "ehm.. Do I really.. Uh... Have breakfast today..?" I asked hoping they say no. But sadly..

"Tord you have to ATLEAST have some bacon or toast! You haven't had food for awhile don't think I didn't notice!" Mom said sounding a Lil worried but mostly mad, I sighed in defeat and took one piece of bacon, "there I take one piece."

Mom nodded, "Perfect! If you atleast have a little bit of food I'm happy"

I rolled my eyes and quickly went to the door and ate my bacon dashing out the house, I took out my headphones and put them on, and played Stressed out by Twenty one Pilots.

{time skip to school 👌 still Tords p.o.v}

I sighed and walked into school, some
people gave me dirty looks. Most likely because of my emo look.. But whatever.. There just idiots..

I kept walking, mom already got my locker code and other things.. I just went to my locker and opened it,

I saw a few... Oh shit.. ITS JOCKS! RETREAT AND COVER!! I saw the tallest one look over to me with a slight smirk. I narrowed my eye looking at him, but looked back in my locker. Putting some of my books away with some... Emergency YAIO..

Right after I put my YAIO away, someone slammed me in my locker. I squeaked in surprise, I looked up and saw the same jock. He was closer so I took the time to look at his face, he had piercings... With fangs..? And black voids for eyes...

He smirked at me "hey there emo freak~" he growled lowly looking at me with a smirk

I looked away from him blushing slightly but lost it 'He's another AsShOlE jock.. You can't like him'. I looked back at him and kept a straight face "what do you want.." I looked up and down at him and smirked slightly, "cock sucker"

His eyes widened slightly. But growled and shoved me in the locker "WHO the fuck do you think you are to tell me that..." he said with a cold tone

I giggled slightly and looked at him "someone WHO can point out Fags i guess~" I had a sly grin. I like pissing people off.. Just there mad and hurt faces make me smile..

He snarled showing his 'vangs' he went to my ear and growled lowly "Your ass is done" (oh did that sound dirty? Oh well)

I shivered slightly but pushed it aside, I kneed(AH SPELLING SUCKS LOL) him in his (imma just say it I mean I'm sick of saying member XD) dick, hoping that will making him let go.

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