Chapter 3

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Today is going to be a good day. The sun was out, the breeze was cool and we were on our way to Winchester for a wedding. Uhtred has entrusted me with the task of keeping a close eye on his sister. He says that at weddings she tends to get a little grabby with things that aren't hers. I, of course had no objection. Yes, I would have preferred to drink ale but I do like annoying her.

The ride to Winchester was spent talking about women and ale. Ravenna had no interest in the conversation so she rode ahead.

"Remember what I asked?" Uhtred whispers to me.

"I do, Lord. Make sure she doesn't steal anything. And if she does, grab her and take her straight to you."

"Yes. I would do it myself but the King wants to speak with me."

"Not to worry, Lord. I'll make sure your sister stays out of trouble."

"Thank you, my friend."

We enter the gates, but not before Steapa searches us. "Is this how you treat your friends, big man?"

"We are not friends." He answers and I put my hands up. "Your sister has already arrived." He tells Uhtred.

"Thank you, my friend. Will the wedding start soon?" Uhtred asks.

"Soon enough. You may enter." He turn and signals the gate keeper. "Let them through!"

"So, he gets to be your friend but I do not?" I ask Steapa hurtfully, joking.

"Move, Irishman." He answers. I smile and walk inside.

"While you're playing nanny, I will bed the most beautiful woman at Winchester tonight." Clapa taunts.

"I highly doubt that. No woman would dream of bedding you with that face." I flinch as he raises his hands pretending he's going to hit me.

"I am willing to take that bet. Look at how they all look at me."

"It is not you they are looking at. It is me. You just happen to be beside me, is all." I laugh and walk away to drink some ale.


Night arrives and the wedding comes and goes. Now the wedding feast, that  is where everyone wants to be at.

"Should you not be looking after Ravenna?" Sihtric asks. I choke on whatever ale I have left, as I had forgotten and leave to find her.

If she steals something and I am not there to stop her, Uhtred will kill me. I keep walking, turning around every woman who had long dark hair with curves. I finally see her, walking behind some crafts the women have made. Unfortunately, as Uhtred mentioned, she grabs one when the poor old woman isn't looking and walks away.

As I go to catch her, I am stopped by a woman, a whore.

"Hello, handsome. Would you like to bed me tonight?" She was beautiful, but I had to resist.

"As much as I would love to, I cannot. I have matters to attend to." I start running before I lose her.

I look everywhere and it's like she's disappeared. When I finally see her she smirks at me. She knew I was following her and it is a game to her. I smile at her. If she wants to play, I'll play. She runs off again and I follow. She should better thinks twice if she thinks she's going to lose me this time.

It is hard to keep up with her, but not impossible. She's smart, she goes through big flows of people to try and confuse me but I got my eyes on her. As I pick up the pace a run into a man and spill his ale. Spilling a mans ale should be a crime, but I had no time to argue with him. When I turn to continue to follower her, I notice she is gone. I see her nowhere, but then I see Hild. And in front of Hild, Ravenna. She looks as though she's seen a ghost. Looking around trying to find someone. I take that to my advantage and go around a house to sneak behind her.

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