Chapter 5

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"I do enjoy a royal wedding, it is a tonic to the soul. The excitement, the expense--"

"Aethelwold, I'm still undecided, so do not mention talking corpses." My brother interrupts.

We were at church, for Aethelflaed's wedding. The dead man, as I said a hundred times, was a lie. Sihtric and I stayed behind and hid to watch if what they said was true. And it was not, as soon as my brother and his loyal friends left, Sihtric and I saw the man raise from his grave to catch air. My brother was wise enough not to tell Aethelwold, for if he did, he would run to Sigefrid and tell the truth.

"Nobles have traveled across the sea, solely to see the beautiful Aethelflaed marry this, pretty, bread-pudding of a boy." Aethelwold continues and I laugh. I could not stand the man, but I cannot deny he made me laugh.

"A fair description." Finan, who is standing by my side, says.

"Furthermore, gets to hump the kings daughter all night long."

"Aethelwold, you will be quiet now." Gisela says.

"It is true."

"You will be quiet." Finan warns.

"Or you'll do what, Irishman?"

"Kill you, in your sleep." He threatens and both Aethelwold and I smile.

Aethelflaed walks in looking lovely as ever and walks down the isle to marry the arsehole, Aethelred, who was waiting for her. I've never spoken to the man, but I can tell he is just evil.


It has been days since the wedding and Aethelwold would still not shut up about the dead man's vision. He was driving all of us insane. A monk, or should I say, Alfred's bastard son, Osferth, joined us. Uhtred took him in to damn Alfred but I could tell he was starting to be fond of him. As Aethelwold continued with his rant, I felt the need to change the subject.

"Uhtred, I must speak with you." I cannot delay any longer to warn him about Haldor.


"In private." He stands from his seat and we walk to an empty corner. "There have been rumors going around about Haldor building an army to attack us."

"Is it true?" He asks worried.

"Yes, it is not a big army, but he has enough people to attack."

"How long have you known this?" He asks upset.

"A couple of days."

"And you tell me this now." He scolds. "I have children, Ravenna."

"I will leave Coccham. I don't want to put any of you in danger."

"No, you are my sister. I will not abandon you."

"I will not ask these people to die for me."

"I will talk with Alfred tomorrow. Maybe he will help."

"Doubtful." As much as the king and I despised each other, I was hoping he would help. Although it is highly unlikely, for he does not like being told what to do.



Uhtred has woken us up early to march for Winchester to talk with The King. At last Ravenna told him about Haldor's army. She wanted to go with us, but we though it'd be best if she did not. She defies the king too often. And because of just that, Uhtred plans on telling Alfred that Haldor is after him and not Ravenna. It is no secret King Alfred wants her gone. So if he knew the truth, he would not help.

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