Chapter 6

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Calder... seeing him made my skin crawl. My body even started to shake. But I wasn't shaking of fear, I was shaking because I was furious and wanted to run out and kill the bastard.

"I'm going to kill him." I manage to say.

"No, you're going to calm down." Finan sits next to me.

"Why would he say that?" Clapa asks.

"He's a bastard trying to save his own skin." Finan answers.

"Not, Calder. Uhtred. Why would he say you do not remember, when clearly you do?"

"It was a smart move. Haldor has too many men, if Uhtred hinted them that we know anything their first move would be to kill us." I say.

"They still might." Sihtric says. 

"Yes, but we might have thrown them off our scent for now."

"You think it will work?"

"A better question is, do you think you can handle it?" Finan steps in. I look up to him trying to come up with an answer. "Can you? Pretend you don't know he did it?"

I give him an honest answer. "I don't know."

"Well, you better find out soon because here they come." Osferth warns.

I wasn't going to be able to hold my composure this exact moment. It was too soon. "I have to get out of here. It's too soon, I won't be able to pretend." I had to leave, but there was nowhere to go. The only way in or out was through the entrance doors.

"Go up, up to the beds and hide there." Finan orders. If it were any other day I'd glare at him for giving me orders. I hate receiving orders but the man is trying to help me so I swallow my pride and do as I'm told.

Just as I lay down on one of the beds I hear the doors open.

"I never saw you living in a place like this, even less taking orders from a saxon." I hear Calder say. "No offense, your majesty." Alfred does not answer and neither does Uhtred.

"Welcome, lords." Finan says. Flashing his big smile, I imagine. 

"Holder, Calder. These are my men Finan, Clapa, Osferth and Sihtric."

"And Ravenna?" Holder asks but no one answers.

"So, lords, what brings you to our little village?" Finan evades the question.

"Just wanted to catch up with old friends... Uhtred if your sister really doesn't remember anything, I would like to make amends. You should call for her."

"My sister is not here. She tends to take off."

"She doesn't say where?"

"She is a grown woman. I am not her father, she does not have to tell me where she goes."

"Why, may I ask, are you so keen to find here?" Finan asks.

"Why do you care? Are you her lover?" Calder's voice joins the conversation.

"No, but we all care about her and your persistence on knowing her whereabouts are a bit of a concern... to all of us."

They continue talking but the voices fade as my mind takes me back to the day that changed me forever. 

*7 years ago:

I was walking around our village looking for a fruit stand. It was a hot day and I wanted to refresh myself with a freshly picked apple. Green if possible, it was my favorite. I love the sour taste of it. I was nineteen, I had everything and I was in love. But a few days ago my dearest friend took her own life and it felt like my perfect world was falling apart. As I lose myself in my thoughts I get startled by my lover, Calder. He tells me to meet him by the river, at the spot where we always met. He says he has to tell me something exciting. 

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