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The morning sun rose from between the mountains that stand on the land, turning the sky orange that faded into red. The warm atmosphere greeted the sleeping trees with a soft wind, making satisfying rustle noises. The birds chirp there morning hymn from those trees, singing happily to the people passing by. Surely this would be a wonderful morning to wake up and see the bright side of the world. But you see, this morning was the-

"FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!" Norayr yelled from the top of his lungs, jumping up and down on balcony. "NEW SCHOOL, NEW STUDIES, NEW TEACHERS, NEW FRIENDS!"

"SHUT UP, IT'S FOUR IN THE MORNING!" Of course his yells of excitement didn't bothered neighbors.




Norayr quickly jumped down from his balcony and sprinted through the front door. The neighbor chuckled with disbelief. "Gullible children. . ."

Norayr crashed in through the kitchen with his arms in swinging in the air. He had the most terrified look when he came through the dining room. "DAD! DAD! HELP ME, I DON'T WANNA GO TO JAIL!"

He jumped into his arms until his sudden weight made them fall into the floor with a - Oof! Norayr continued to cry, setting aside the pain from the fall, going to jail was the only things that rushed through his mind. He wept, he sobbed onto his father's arms until the 50 year old man gave a sighed of annoyance.

"Norayr, what do you mean you're going to jail? It's only the first day of school. Who would imply that to you?" His father asked, sitting up while still cradling his sniffling boy. Norayr's eyes where red and were leaking out small drops of tears as he looked into his father's. He brush his sleeve against his stiffy nose as he answers between sniffles.

"Neighbor, Bob."

"O.M.G little bro." His sister rolled her eyes while clicking her tongue. Sass. "We all know that Neighbor, Bob hates morning roasters."

She was sitting by the dining table that was next to the kitchen, eating green peas with her feet on the table as she scrolled through to whatever she was doing at her phone. Probably finding hot guys on Facebook.

"I just can't help it." Norayr stood up, saying like nothing had happened. "It's the first day in my new school and- why are you still here!?"

"Class starts at nine." She stated with her eyes glued to her device. "I would ask the same to you, shouldn't you be waddling your way to school right now. It's six thirty-four and your class starts in seven."

"Wait-REALLY!?" Norayr exclaimed.

"Yeah really, now go and get dressed!" His father said, rubbing his lower back. "You clearly know that I'm old and not capable of carrying 36 kilo rice bag."

"Sorry pa'. I'll go and get dressed." Norayr skidded upstairs happily as his father watched from the kitchen.

". . . It's still four thirty-five." He sighed turning to his 17 year old daughter.

"What should I have said?" She giggled and glide a finger on her phone screen. "Gullible children. . ."

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