Chapter 3

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No Guts

Not only when I was five did I wet my pants on accident. It happen in my fourth grade when I went anxious. It's always those moments when I froze speechless, that my grade slip down low. Hiding that certain talent I couldn't even have the guts to speak of it. Not it will happen again! I vowed that this year will I become that confident person I thought I'll never be. I'll show them my skills, intelligence, power! This year I'll step out of my shell, stand my stone and shout out my name with freedom, pride, and fearless. Nothing will ever back me down!

"Ok class. It's time for an introduction!" The teacher claps.

A crack on my stone.

Of course there'll be one in every first day. . . Well that should be easy. I'll just say my name, where I live, when I was born, smack my butt back on my seat and bring relief.

"But there is a twist!" The teacher continued.

A what!?

"After the first person introduced themselves the next person will recite their name until it goes on to the next person who will recite their names!"

Two cracks on my stone.

Well. . . I'll probably be that first person. Considering my position, I bet most teachers start at first row to the right. . . Right?

The teacher pointed towards my seat. I sighed in relief.

"Now I know most teachers start at this point so we'll be starting at the very back."

And that broke my stone in half.

Lynx shot a glance at Shawn with a puzzled look.

"Shawn, you ok? Your sweating but it's freezing here."

With shaking lips he manage to answer.

"Introductions break rocks."

". . . What. . ."

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