Chapter 6

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No Friends

"Ok, I'm literally going to sue the stupid idiot who's responsible for this. But I'll be needing a lawyer for that." Stephanie thought as she awkwardly sat in her seat. "I don't think I fit here. These people look like savage street gangs that hang around a street alley. And one of them even brought a gun for godsake! I doubt I could survive a whole week getting into no trouble. I might be dead by the end of the month. And I barely know these guys! Well except for Janus and Beau. Lucky for them being slightly close friends. How about me?! Do they really have to keep me alone? I mean, if I were to manage a class I would put a group of friends together in the same room. Because as a child I am I know that friendship is important." She sighed and leaned back on her chair. "Guess I'll just find new people to play with." She looked around all the unfamiliar faces and frown. "I don't think any of these people play Pokèmon, they look mature but not really. I bet I won't make a single conversation with any of these guys."

Tuxedo man walks into the classroom from out of nowhere and tries to ignore the 30 glares coming from the whole class. He sits on his desk in silence and stares back at the crowd.
"That wasn't that bad was it now?"

"Your trying to kill us."

"Marie, I am highly concern for your health. And it was just 10 minutes of peace. What so wrong with that?"

"None of us can handle it!" Yasser cries. "Especially me!"

"Miss Evelyn seems to get the hold of it."

Sander grabs the pale girl that looked cuter if she were holding a magic wand and started shaking her in his grasp. "How do you do it? Tell me your ways sensei!"

"Sander, please put Miss Evelyn down. You were the one who said you guys prefer silence."

Suddenly all attention was turn to Sander as he stood there awkwardly.

"This is getting quite boring." Stephanie shuffled her hand into her bag. She pulled out her 10 year old landscape tablet. Yes. . . Landscape. "I know everyone thinks that I pulled you out of an old television screen but your still a treasure to me." She typed in her password and open Youtube on her home screen were a stacked up series of Pokèmon X,Y, and Z  are piled up according to the season and number of episodes. "Now what episode did I left off to-"

I stand tall 'cause I know I'm a winner~

"Shoot! I forgot to turn the volume down!" Stephanie thought frantically as her fingers pushed down on the volume button.

Knock me down, I'll just get up again~

"Wait, that isn't mine." Stephanie realized and glanced around the room, searching for the source until her eyes landed across the room.

You've met your match, yeah, I'm no beginner~

Pokémon, Pokémon, Gotta catch 'em all!~

Indeed it was the Pokèmon theme song that Stephanie was expecting but was unexpected as it came from another person's device. Now who would watch the same as her?

"Janet, I'm allowing you to do whatever you want, but may I ask you to do it in peace."

"Don't ask me. I don't know anything." Janet says putting her feet up her table, placing her tablet on her thighs.

Marie leaned to her side and started giggling. "You still watch that childish anime show, Janet?"

"It's not childish." Janet proclaims and continues on watching the episode. "You just grew up with no childhood."


"Please don't start another one, again." Tuxedo slightly whimper as he sinks his head between his arms.

Stephanie sat there amusingly but it a small smile perked up her face as she leaned back on her again and looked back at her tablet screen, thinking. "Well. . . It's good to know someone thinks the same. Maybe it this won't be as bad as I thought. Maybe. . ." And she turns off her tablet.

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