Chapter 1

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Katniss POV:

Memories of the games flood in my brain, I can't seem to shake the image of Marvel falling down to his knees just as Rue had her last breath. I wake up screaming, and Peeta calms me down.

"It can't be like this every night," I say, "I'm waking up with the same nightmare."

"It's okay," Peeta says. "As long as you're safe."

"Thank you, I love you Peeta."

"I love you too."

The next morning my daughter awoke the whole house, she was screaming and crying that she didn't want to go to school.

"Come on, you have to go, it's your first day and you wouldn't want to be late, would you?" I said, as calmly as possible.

"Daddy take me!" She yelled. Of course she wanted Peeta to take her, she's definitely a daddy's girl.

While Peeta dropped her off I turned on the TV to relax for a little while. What I saw scared me more than any nightmare.

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