Chapter 8

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The next morning I woke up early to make breakfast, and I even had time to call Peeta at home.

"Alright, you've got to take the kids to school. Bye!"

"Bye. Love you!"

I hung up the phone just as Gale walked in.

"Morning." He said grimly.

"What's up with you?" I asked.

"Ahh just not really a morning person."

"Ok, sit down and have some breakfast, we're leaving in 15 minutes."

Gale sat down at the small table while I went to get dressed. I went to our room and pulled a random shirt over my head and pulled on some shorts. We would probably be getting uniforms later on in the day.

I went back to the kitchen to see Gale just finishing his breakfast.

"C'mon Gale, we have to go."

He quietly put away his dishes and followed me to the mayor's building.

The mayor greeted us by saying;

"Get in your rooms and get dressed Sargent Gale and Mockingjay."

He barely even looked up at us, but we followed his directions.

I found a small room at the end of the hallway. A closet room. Filled with all the possible clothes I would ever need in my life. A lady appeared and immediately started measuring me. In about 5 seconds, she whipped out a uniform and handed it to me. It was almost identical to the outfit of the 74th Hunger Games.

"Oh no, I can't wear this." I said.

"You don't like it?"

I nodded.

"Well there is another option."

She handed me a slim black jacket and pants.

"Perfect." I said.

The lady smiled and left the room.

I put on the uniform and looked in the mirror, maybe the outfit choices should've been a little more casual? "Whatever," I thought. "Whatever gets me out of here sooner."

Gale and I walked out of our rooms and went to the mayor's desk.

"Ok, what do we need to do?"

"Just walk around the town and investigate what people are doing, introduce yourselves as new neighbors."

"Ok." Gale said.

"Fine," I said, annoyed that we had to wake up early to do this stupid job.

I pushed the doors open and forced a smile.

"Goodmorning," I said, shaking someone's hand. "We just moved here from another neighborhood, and we'd love to get to know our new neighbors."

And that's how it went the whole day.

And the next day.

And the next.

And the next.

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