Chapter 3

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I slammed the door behind me, slamming it at the president, the rebellion, the world.

I've been trying to shake the image of the games and the rebellion for years, and it's only up to the president to dig them back up. As I neared my daughter's school, I sped up the pace. I didn't want her seeing me before I left. I ran the rest of the way to the train station and walked up the steps. The whole train was empty, and one person was sitting there. Gale.

"Gale!" I yelled, and ran to give him a hug.

"Katniss." He said, but the sparkle in his eyes was lost. He clearly knew what was going on.

Gale and I caught up and talked the whole ride there, and I almost forgot why we were on the train.

All of a sudden the train came to a stop, and I didn't want to get off. I hastily walked down the steps, and was immediately surrounded by Peacekeepers. Why are they here? I thought I'd seen the last of them after the rebellion. The white suits lined up all the way to the door of the President's home.

I walked slowly, and knowing that Gale was right behind me, I twisted the knob and pushed forward. There's nothing in my way. The President is sitting on a chair at the end of a long hallway.

"Good morning," he said, smirking.

"Hello," I said."why are we here?"

"You're so eager."

"Well I want to know why I had to leave my children without a chance to say goodbye."

He was silent.

"I'll tell you why," he said."the rebellion."

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