Chapter 7

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Gale and I definitely took our time with our breakfast. We got too caught up in talking, the manager had to ask us to leave. We ran out of the building laughing.

"Hey Gale,"


"Do you remember that morning?"

"What morning?"

"The morning of the reaping?"

"I remember that like it was yesterday, terrified that my name was in 42 times, and you thought 24 was a lot," he said, nudging me playfully.

I actually got up the courage to laugh, at something relatively related to the games.

We continued to talk, and missed our street, so we just went around one more time, running past the restaurant. When we got back to our house, it was almost 1 o'clock, we had left for breakfast at 8.

We got a call from the mayor. He already wants us on duty? Wow.

"Hello? Is this the Hawthorne residence?" The mayor said.

"Mayor, sir, we are not married."

"Oh! I am so terribly sorry! I didn't mean to set you up in the same home! I can change you if you'd like."

"No actually, it's fine." I said smiling at Gale.

"Alright," he said. "I was just calling to check up on you two, report to my office at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning."

Gale and I then went on a long walk, and got back by bedtime. As I closed my eyes, I realized, last night was the first time I had ever slept a night without nightmares.

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