Chapter 6

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I called Peeta and told him everything. I even talked to Rye and Willow.

(DISCLAIMER: I heard somewhere that those were their names, I may be wrong.)

"Hi mommy," they yelled into the phone.

"Hey my little troopers!"

They giggled, and I wish I could be there with them.

"Look, mommy will be home as soon as she can, okay?"

"Okay! Be home real soon, I love you!"

"I love you all too!"

When Rye and Willow left to go to sleep, I was left with Peeta.

"Goodnight, Peeta, I'll be back before you know it. Just, try to handle the little troopers."

"Hah, I'll try." He said, but it was a fake laugh.

"Love you," I said.

"Love you too."

Then I was left with Gale. Alone. The mayor expected us to live together for the next couple weeks?!?!

"Ok, well we better get to bed." I said.

But there was only one bed.

"Uhhh yeah," Gale said.

We used to be so comfortable around eachother, now it's so awkward.

"Whatever, I'm tired." I thought, and hopped under the covers.

"Goodnight Gale."

"Goodnight Katniss."

The next morning I woke up to find myself alone in the room and a lovely smell, which turned out to be Gale making breakfast.

"That smells amazing." I said smiling as I walked in.

"Oh, hey." He said, this time with a real smile.

"You didn't have to cook all this Gale."

"Well I'm guessing you're used to gourmet cooking with Peeta around."

"Well, yes, but I never take it for granted. I still remember how hard we had to work for food before the reaping."

Gale stopped. I hadn't uttered those words in forever.

After that, Gale and I talked and laughed until a strange beeping noise occurred.

"Oh my gosh! Gale! You left the food on the stove!"

I ran to turn off the beeping while he threw out our somewhat "breakfast."

"Wanna just go to a restaurant?"

"Definitely." I said, and just like that our new awkwardness had been swept out the door.

THG FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora