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Just found out my mom's step mother might not have long to live my mom and sister where crying and felt bad for them
I feel even worse because I. Didn't cry I wasn't sad at all I think I've become numb to death ppl who have died recently in my life I haven't been sad at all about infact some ppl I've been happy about there deaths I feel like a shitty insensitive fuck I just hugged my mom and sister then went back to mindlessly laying there
And they honestly actually started to annoy me all I wanted was for them to leave and get outta my room cuz I already wasn't feeling to well to begin with I was just irritated and not very sympathetic what the hells wrong with me is my brain like broken or something ?
Sorry I'm I haven't posted in awhile and I'm leaving alot of u hanging with unsatisfied request I'm Srry bout that just lost my drive for writing at the moment etc etc. Excuses excuses

Idk why I wrote this I don't know if I'll post it guess I just needed to rant bout how I'm an insensitive fucking ashole
K bye.

PS. I'm also annoyed cuz ppl keep leaving my FUCKING DOOR OPEN!!!

Edit from acouple hours later:

I fell down a FUCKING flight of stairs I'm so mad I wanna scream and curse and punch something but I can't all I can do is lay here and cry and it SUCKS
And my family actually believed me when I told them I was fine! Today is not fine I'm not fine today sucks

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