Chapter 2

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~Life foundation~

You and Eddie pull up to the life foundation and started going over the topics to discuss with the man who started all of this. Or at least you tried too, all Eddie did was answer with half assed ‘uh-huh, yeah good, good, that’s fine.’ you grew incredibly nervous and irritated with him. You could’ve sworn he was a nice guy back at the office but now he’s just being a prick. But your kind side thought maybe he was trying to focus and you were disrupting his train of thought, this made you feel facepalming and wanting to hide. Oh my gosh please tell me I’m not bugging this man! The last thing we need is for him to lose focus and for me mess up this interview. Please spare me that embarrassment!

“Hey kid this is the camera man, hope you’re not camera shy or anything like that.”

“ not really.”

“Good I’ll ask my questions first then you. Got it? Not to sound aggressive.”

“Yeah sure, no problem.” Your whole team went inside and waited for Drake to come out to talk. It didn’t take long for him to show up. As soon as he did you felt this deep uneasy feeling in the pit of your gut. He may look normal but something about him screams creep to you. This scrawny guy makes me really sick to my stomach...I’m not sure if it’s because people make me nervous or he’s definitely a bad dude. For now let’s focus on not throwing up anywhere and getting this over with smoothly. You tried boosting your confidence and followed Eddie and Drake as you went over your own lines in your head as Eddie did his first.

“In the beginning, born to british parents and at 19 you discovered a gene therapy that doubles the life expectancy of a person who has cancer-”

“Actually it triples their life expectancy, but that’s okay.”

“Okay 24, that’s still extremely young, you created the Life Foundation.”

“It didn’t happen overnight…” Okay maybe he’s not as bad as I was thinking before. But damn is this dude successful!

“Then boom rockets, then you decided like any other human being that you were going and explore space.”

“You know Eddie I always believed that space exploration is crucial to cure everything that ale’s us here on earth. When you think about we found things in the oceans, on land. Isn’t it time to look up there? A plethora of untapped resources.”

“You have a plethora of untapped resources also from your pharmaceutical companies that you’re involved in, you know to help you realize that ambition export.”

“Yeah full circle.”

“I gotta ask, how does that work?” Why do I have this strange feeling things are about to go south real fast? “How does it go about testing pharmaceuticals?”

“Um, Eddie? We need to talk about the rocket that’s-” You tried changing the subject to the rocket but Eddie stopped you and pushed on with his questions.

“No, no I’m not. I’m talking about the allegations”

“I’m sorry, I don’t-”

“Says here you have empires built on dead bodies.”

“Eddie stop it!”

“What? It’s true! It says ‘you recruit the most vulnerable of us to volunteer for tests and more often than not end killing people’.” Drake began to stutter and tried to defend his company but the more Eddie pushed caused security to be called and all of you to be escorted off the premises harshly. However, before you were all taken out, you heard Drake say the words

Have a nice life.” Leaving a deep unease for the man, you’re becoming more and more sure he’s a crook, but you don’t have any solid proof to prove that. Just allegations. You walked to your car and saw Eddie raking his hair back and rubbing his face. Clearly showing signs of distress. You decided to talk to him.

“Hey, you okay there old man?...” Your voice became soft and quiet.

“I’m not in the mood (Y/N)...Damn! Jack is gonna mount my ass for this one…”  

“Might not be as bad as your thinking...I doubt he would let his best reporter go for this minor- er...Major set back. Besides I  think you’re right about Carlton Drake, there’s something about that scrawny dude that screams bad guy. You know?” Eddie chuckled abit raking his hair back one last time. He was thankful for you being on his side and for the reassurance. So much so that he invited you to come hang out with him and his fiancé this weekend and possibly to their wedding. Right, still engaged...Hooraaaay… Why do I always crush on taken men?! Like seriously I’m practically asking to be let down! “I’ll be there...Just give me a time place and your number.”

“Okay but keep the calls and texts work related and limited. Don’t want wifey to be to think I’m cheating.”

“Of course. I understand.” You both exchange contacts before he once again drove off first. Once gone you hopped in your car squealing and doing a little happy dance because you got his number. You thought today was the best day ever!

~Back at Jack’s office~

You and Eddie were getting scolded by your boss from earlier events. And boy was he letting you two have it, making you starting to regret your reassuring words to Eddie slightly. But, keeping some faith in you. Eventually Jack calmed down enough to sit there dangerously quiet like so you and Eddie could explain yourselves. You tried but you were so afraid of Jack to the point of stuttering and stopping mid sentence, let’s just say you stopped talking rather quickly.

“Listen Jack, (Y/N) might be stuttering like porky pig but she’s right, if you just seen Drake you would know that guy is bad. Like, all the way bad. “

“Who’s your source?” Eddie looked at him almost scared as if he knew who it was but didn't want to say.Jack asked again. “Who’s your source Eddie?”

“I-I don’t have a source per say but I have a hunch.”

“This isn’t the wild wild west. We don’t go half cocked based on a hunch, we do the work we substantiate our actuation. We provide evidence. You know for a smart guy you really are a dumbass.” Eddie nodded in agreement as your boss stood up to look out the window and think for a second before saying the words you half saw coming. “Your fired Eddie. I can’t trust you.” Your heart raced as both of your expressions go shocked.  Here comes the same phrase you heard from before. “Have a nice life.“ Eddie begged for him to change his mind but his words were final. “As for you Miss (L/N) I’m giving your a warning. Don’t make the same mistakes he made, or consider yourself fired as well.”

“Yes sir...”

“Both of you are dismissed for today…” You got up with Eddie and just wanted to go hide your embarrassment somewhere, anywhere. You and the ex-employee stood quiet in the elevator, Not once did he glance at you like you did to saw fear and depression take over his cocky, happy go lucky attitude.It pained you seeing him like that and it got worse when you realized you gave him false hope.You tried apologizing to him but he cut you off and hurried out the elevator doors, leaving you stunned and heartbroken. You sighed, and went home to unwind, cry, and eat ice cream on your bed. He’ll never talk to me again. Why do I ruin people’s lives like this? I always give false hope. The poor guy...He looked like a wounded puppy of all things! I hope Eddie is okay...Hopefully his fiancé will understand. If I were her I’d do all in my power to make him happy again, but sadly, I’m not her and I'll never will be.

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