Chapter Thirteen

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Logan eventually left, three days later, leaving Bruce and Eli in peace. And it is peaceful without Logan grunting around the apartment. Bruce had been slowly edging towards more frustrated then pleased to meet Logan, given that Bruce had to keep his hands to himself. It's hard enough on the best of days, but with his confidence at an all time high it's harder. But now he has her alone. Just him and Eli. Bruce nuzzles into Eli's neck as he wakes, his hand splayed on her stomach, he hums contently against her skin, she shifts as she wakes, pressing herself back against him. He hums into her neck. She turns to face him, smiling seeing him still half asleep, eyes closed but a soft smile on his lips, she reaches up and gently brushes her fingers over his face. She's never met a man like Bruce. Well sort of. She supposes he reminds her a lot of Hank McCoy, in his own way. Smart. Brilliant. Kind. With inner beasts. But Bruce is more afraid of his then Hank. Wary.

"What are you thinking about?" he asks not opening his eyes, she smiles.

"You" she whispers, he smirks a little.

"You know" he starts. "Some're as fluffy as your alter-ego" he teases pulling her closer, she smirks and pushes on his shoulder, he willing rolls onto his back as she straddles his waist.

"How about" she starts leaning down to kiss his chest, he closes his eyes and takes a breath, she smirks. "We take this weekend?" he reaches up threading his fingers through her hair and pulls her lips to his. He hums against her lips as he kisses her, her fingers wrapped around his wrist, she shifts her hips slightly, brushing down against him, he moans.

"God yes" he answers her pulling back, panting a little. "This weekend" he agrees and then groans as she snakes her hand between them to brush against him. "Too long" he complains throwing his head back, she leans closer to his neck and chuckles.

"It's only three days away" she counters pulling back, "You can wait three days, right?" she teases, he shoots her a look, his eyes flashing green, he's not the only one impatient, the sexual frustration is leaving Bruce on edge and the Hulk at the forefront of his mind more often then not. He grabs her hips and throws her down onto her back, crawling over her to pin her arms down on the bed by her head, Bruce's green eyes flicker back to his and then back to Hulk's again. "Give me Bruce back" she scolds as Bruce struggles for control his neck straining, skin flexing and turning green before going back to pink. "Now" she growls her eyes turning yellow, Bruce's eyes return to his own and he drops his head into her neck, she wraps her arms around him and strokes his back.

"'M sorry" he mumbles into her neck. "Just right there" he lifts his head to look down at her.

"You're frustrated" she offers, he nods and slaps her thigh softly before pulling her leg around his waist. "He can feel your tension so he's worried" she leans up onto her elbows. "We'll drive out on Friday" he kisses her softly. "I'll pick you up from the factory and we'll hit the road" she strokes his cheek. "Maybe let him have a run about" she asks, he shrugs. "Bruce, I'll be there to pull you back" she assures him. "He listens to me"


Eli leans against the wall across from the entrance to the bottling factory, it's Friday and one minute after five. She's just waiting for Bruce now. And now the weekend is here, and she knows what's coming with it, she's a little nervous. Yes, she's been around. And yes, she's slept with her share and a lot of women's share of men, but Bruce isn't just another man to scratch that itch, it's Bruce. Someone she cares for, someone she really, really, really likes. Someone....someone she loves. Bruce is first out of work and he heads straight for her, she leans up a little, his serious expression a little unsettling. Bruce grabs her hand and drags her along the street away from the factory, she chuckles.

"Bruce" she offers.

"No talking" he states. "Let's just get in truck and drive, and you better drive fast"

"Bruce" she warns pulling him to a stop, he huffs out his breath. "There's no rush" she assures him.

"There is" he argues, she raises an eyebrow. "I've been on edge since before your brother turned up, every moment I am worried that this feeling will pass" he takes a breath. "That I'll get into my own head and think of a reason not have sex with you" she softens slightly and steps closer to him. "And I really want to" he adds with a smile. She wraps her arms around his neck and lets him tug her waist closer.

"Are you telling me that one day I could be stood in front of you completely naked and begging you to have sex with me; and you'll say no?" she asks him, he takes a breath as his eyes darken, she's doing this on purpose and he knows it.

"Where's the damn truck?" he asks her, she chuckles and kisses him, his hands sliding up the back of her shirt to run over the skin on her back. He smiles against her lips. He is very happy with Eli. More then he ever has been with a woman. He's pretty sure he's in love with her. He's just not sure either of them are ready to hear it.

"Deep breaths" she whispers against his lips. "We'll get there...." he nods and kisses her cheek.

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