Chapter Thirty

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Eli steps towards the Hulk who lets his eyes roam over her, relief and longing flickering across his features, his eyes then lingers on the bundle of life in her arms. He lifts his eyes to hers in question, she kept telling Bruce he's not as stupid as people think he is and here he is proving her right. She takes a small breath, readying herself before she stands up taller to talk to him.

"What are you doing here?" she asks him, Hulk huffs and looks away from her, though his hand seeks her out, carefully shifting River in her arms she frees a hand to take his.

"You lied" he tells her turning back, eyes sad. "You lied" he repeats, Eli nods.

"Yes, I lied" she agrees with him.

"Hulk get away. Little Wolf...lie" he reaches up and touches her face.

"I had to" she admits, he looks down again and shuffles closer to her. "I had to lie to get you to leave without me"

"Little girl" he mumbles looking at River. Eli nods. Hulk holds out his hand towards her, keeping it low to the ground, Eli knows what he wants, she sniffles, proud of him.

"Her name is River" she tells him setting the baby in his open hand. He lowers a finger from his other hand to touch the baby.

"Mine?" he asks her, she nods.

"And Bruce's" she adds quietly. Hulk is surprisingly gentle with River as he touches her. His eyes solely on her like nothing else in the world matters to him. "Hulk" she starts. "You have to go" Eli tells him sadly. "It's not safe for you to stay here" he huffs blowing air over her face.

"Mine" he growls at her, possessively pulling her and River closer to his chest.

"Always" she promises him. "No matter where you are, we will always be your family" she assures him. "But you have to go and find somewhere safe for you and Bruce" He presses his ear to her chest and closes his eyes to listen to her heart. Eli presses her hand to her mouth to stop the small sob from sounding. She wants nothing more then to tell him he can stay with them, but it's too dangerous for them to stay here with them, maybe if they were still in Rio things would be different, but they're not, and too much has happened. She lowers her hand and strokes at his head. "You can't tell Bruce" she adds. "You have to keep her hidden from him" Hulk lifts his head to stare down at her. "He will just beat himself up; he'll be sad" Hulk looks down at River. "You don't want him to be sad, do you?" she asks him, Hulk shakes his head. She strokes his cheek as she cries, his lower lip trembles with his own emotions. "We'll be okay too" she assures him.

"Sad" he tells her touching her cheek, he pulls his finger back wet with her tears.

"Yeah" she agrees touching his hand.

"Hulk stay with little wolf..." he pleads, she shakes her head.

"You can't" she answers sadly. "You have to hide, keep safe....keep hidden" he pulls a face and looks away from her. "You don't want us to get hurt" Hulk shakes his head quickly. "So we stay here, safe.....I'll keep her safe" she promises him. He kisses her softly before holding out his hand, she picks up River and cradles her close to her.

"Mine" he repeats firmly, she nods. He looks down at River and then backs away, Eli's heart beating in her chest starts to break as she has to watch him leave again. Eli holds River to her chest as she watches Hulk disappear.

"Eli" Logan whispers standing behind her, if her heard the whole thing she doesn't know, Eli turns to him and he doesn't hesitate to wrap her and River up in his arms, letting Eli cry against his chest. He's never seen her this way with anyone before so he knows just how much Bruce and Hulk mean to her. And it's over. Something she will never get back. The humans stole it from her. Stole River's father from her.


The rocking chair sit in front of the window over looking the gardens, Eli is sat with River, rocking slightly as the sun sets.

"Once upon a time" Eli starts softly, barely above a whisper. "There was a majestic wolf queen who lived with her powerful king in a kingdom surrounded by colours and music. The Queen did not foresee having a child, but she lived in an enchanted land where all things were possible. In time, she was blessed with a beautiful baby daughter, for whom she wished only peace" River coos at Eli happily, and Eli smiles at her. "Still, the king had demons who pursued him. There was a ruthless, wicked beast who wanted to take the king for his own. So to protect his queen and his princess from harm.....he left them to live in a protected castle, surrounded by magical creatures" Eli strokes River's cheek. "One day I will tell you everything" she promises. "I will never lie to you, or hide anything from you" she adds as she stands walking towards the crib, a scattering of glow in the dark stars glow softly on the ceiling of the room as she passes under them. "Moving on the floor now babe you're a bird of paradise" Eli starts to sing softly rocking River. "Cherry ice cream smile I suppose it's very nice. With a step to your left and a flick to the right. You catch that mirror way out west. You know you're something special and you look like you're the best" Eli smiles. "Her name is Rio and she dances on the sand. Just like that river twisting through a dusty land. And when she shines she really shows you all she can. Oh Rio, Rio dance across the Rio Grande" River seems to smile up at her, though probably just what Eli wants to see given River's too young age.

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