Chapter Twenty Eight

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Eli is half asleep when the news breaks, waking her from her half slumber, her eyes shift with anger at being woken before settling on the tv in front of her, Logan, next to her, watching intently.

"What's happening?" she asks leaning into his side, he glances to her.

"Your.....boyfriend" he growls a little. "Seems he's...been a little busy" she seems to let the world come back into focus now, waking fully to watch the news as a blurry but recognisable feed of the Hulk starts showing. The creature rampaging through Harlem.

"Hulk" Eli whispers softly her eyes set on the screen. The news isn't kind. It isn't all knowing. They portray Hulk as a vicious villain to be stopped. Logan takes her hand in his as she looks away from the news. She knows the real Hulk, she knows the real Bruce. And those that call him a monster can rot in hell for all she cares. A few tears fall down Eli's cheek, her emotions currently far more difficult for her to control with her hormone levels. Logan knows he needs to cheer her up right about now. Her getting upset is bad for the baby and for her. He stands keeping hold of her hand.

"Come with me" he whispers to her helping her stand. She sniffles and lets him pull her out of the room and through the mansion, slow enough for her to keep up in her weakened state.


"I was going to show you this after baby was born but after that you need cheering up" Logan comments helping her up the new spiral staircase, she raises an eyebrow as he smirks. At the top of the stairs he pushes open the hatch and steps into Eli's new apartment. Eli's eyes widen as she follows and finds out what he's been up to the last 2 weeks. It's the open plan living room and kitchen she sees first, the kitchen all in dark greens and the living room has been painted a dark brown, the furniture is all mismatched but still works well together.

"There's a bathroom, nursery and master along there" Logan points down the small hallway leading away from them.

"Logan" she starts and looks to him.

"You're a new mother, you need your own space" he tells her. "Charles thought it was a great idea and this girl at the store helped me pick stuff out...."

"This is great" she agrees softly. "I can't believe you did this for me"

"Not everything is finished yet" he points out. "Like I said I thought I had more time before showing it" he touches her back. "Eli, there's no one that's been there for me as much as you have, I'm damn well going to give the same back to you" they share a look. "You're my twin sister and I'd don just about anything for you....."

"You're going to make me cry" she complains looking away, Logan smirks and nudges her a little.


Fleeing New York, a hulking green figure disappears into the Harriman State Park heading North.


Less then a month later:

Eli feels huge, and feels like death, she actually feels like she is dying, her hair is now a bright green, dry and brittle, her skin is ghoulish and broken, radiation and her pregnancy really taking it's toll on her body. She spends most days in her apartment now, kind of routed to her couch thanks to the mass currently growing inside of her. Logan often joins her. Beast and Rogue too. Jean stops by for regular checks, Eli is probably the most exciting experiment she's ever had. Eli adjusts her blanket around her, Logan drinks a beer at her side, which she is completely jealous of right about now. It's bad enough she can't smoke but no drinking too. Boo! She rolls her eyes and looks back to the tv that plays some historical documentary on WW2. Baby decides to shift inside of her, only slightly, just getting comfortable but even that now. Every time her baby moves, green ripples through her body, radiation spikes her blood. She presses her hand to her mouth and nose before pulling it away again, blood coats her hand. She looks to Logan who turns to her smelling the blood. He stands and then turns back to her.

"Come on" he lifts her up and she sets her arm around his neck. "Let's get the professor to check you over"

"I hate feeling useless" she grumbles.

"You're not useless, you're sick" he argues. "And pregnant" she sighs a little.

"Who saw that coming?" she grumbles flatly. "Everything that we've been through, this is it, this is what is going to kill me......"

"You're not going to die" Logan argues carrying her out of the room. "I won't let you" she looks to her brother warmly.

"Logan" she whispers, he looks down at her. "Thank you"

"That's what your pack if for" he assures her. "This is what family does for one another..."


Eli sits on the medical bed swinging her legs, Charles looks over her blood work as Jean approaches the pregnant mutant.

"Here" Jean hands Eli a glass of water, Eli sniffs at the glass.

"What is this?" she asks. "Water?" Logan smirks a little.

"Yes, it's water" Jean answers.

"I'm to...drink this?" Eli counters, fighting her own smirk.

"Oh haha" Jean mocks slightly but is smiling. Eli takes a sip of the water and then sets it aside. Logan moves closer to Jean and Charles to talk as Eli gently rubs at her bump. Baby had been quiet for weeks, keeping as still as possible inside of her, Eli had a feeling it may not have been coincidental. Part of her thinks the kid knows that when she moves Eli is in pain, so she stopped. It's stupid. Babies aren't that aware in the womb, but Eli's instincts are telling her otherwise. Eli groans, closing her eyes and clutching her abdomen. Something wet gushes down her legs and she bites her lip.

"Urm...guys" she calls out, Charles turns to her. "I think waters just least I hope that's what it is and I haven't just pissed myself in front of you all" Logan rolls his eyes a little as Charles smirks. 

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