Chapter Twenty One

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Bruce sleeps with his arm around Eli as she sleeps against him, curved around one another, Ricky sleeps cross their feet. Bruce shifts slightly and nuzzles into Eli's neck, breathing her in before settling again, his arms tight around her, holding her close to him. Bruce's computer chimes waking him, he blinks a little and looks over his shoulder reaching a hand up to rub at his eye. The computer chimes again and he gently pulls himself away from Eli who grumbles in her sleep, growling slightly before falling silent again. Bruce stands and heads towards the computer, sitting at the desk he looks at the screen.

Blue: "Success."

Green: "Please elaborate"

Blue: "Concentration of 150ppm mitigates the gamma saturation in your sample. Incredible toxicity but it works." Bruce's face shifts into hope. He's been waiting 5 years...but...

Green: "Encouraging. But sample is baseline...I have...spikes."

Blue: "Tricky. Can you extract sample during next 'spike'?"

Green: "No."

Blue: "Spike can't exceed exposure. What was your original exposure?"

Green: "Data no longer available."

Blue: "Toxicity at this level too risky without precision."

Green: "Will it cure me?"

Blue: "Barring new gamma exposure... good chance." Bruce sits there stunned, mind racing, on a note pad he scribbles: Data from Maynard

Green: "Will get back to you. Thank you."

Blue: "Pleasure. Hope you walk through the door one day. You must be a very unique individual." Bruce closes the computer and snorts before standing and heading back to bed. He kicks his underwear off.

"Ricky" he states nodding for the dog to leave the bed, Ricky gives him a dirty look before heading into the next room to sleep in his own bed. Bruce smirks before climbing into bed with her, he pulls on Eli's leg, she groans a little as he settles over her between her legs nuzzling into her neck to wake her. "Eli" he pleads as he starts to rut against her, working himself hard, his excitement is more than just professional and scientific, the excitement has shifted south to his groin, she wakes softly and runs her fingers over his shoulders as he brushes against her, exciting her too. 


Bruce watches as Eli comes down from the orgasmic high, that spark back in her eyes. 

"Eli?" he asks, she shakes her head clearing whatever the hell that was, she looks up at Bruce, his fingers brush her hair from her face. She stares up at him, eyes returning to normal. "You okay?" he asks softly, she nods and gives him a smile.

"Not that I'm complaining...but what got you so excited?" she asks as he pulls out of her, moving to lay next to her.

"A cure" he answers, she raises an eyebrow. "A shot at it anyway...a real shot at it" he corrects wrapping his arms around her. "This is a good thing" he assures her. "With the cure....we could have a normal life" she doesn't respond, because she knows that will never be the case with her. She won't ever have a normal life. He strokes his fingers along her back and then curls that arm around her waist. She's immortal. There is no normal for her. In that moment Eli finally realises that their relationship has a shelf life. He wants normalcy and she can't give it to him.

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