Chapter 2

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I take off in the direction Tommy went eager to lend a hand in whatever the crisis entails and soon find myself running through the familiar streets of Small Heath. I run for what feels like forever but I welcome the feeling of being out of breath, I am in a state of euphoria once I realise that for the first time in a long time, I am running towards something and not away. I soon catch sight of several police cars and Tommy in his long coat and cap. He is talking to an overweight officer who seems to be taking instruction from my older brother. Nobody seems to notice me until I am in touching distance of Tommy and the burned-out building. A short man with a round belly and bald head stops in front of me and puts his hands on my shoulders. "This is a crime scene, doll. Piss off," he tells me. His eyes are cruel and his breath smells like liquor, his uniform is in disarray and I wonder how the hell he got a job in the police. I feel the familiar feeling of blind panic build up inside of me and squirm at the man's touch.
"She's with me," Tommy growls glaring at the officer who drops his hands as though I had scolded him.
"Very sorry Mr Shelby, sir," the officer whispers before walking away.

"You shouldn't be here," Tommy whispers into my hair as he pulls me in front of him and stands with his hand on my back. I am reminded of when we were younger and Tommy would never allow me near any boys without him or one of my brothers practically standing as a barrier between us. If only he knew what had gone on while I was away. The thought of Tommy coming to my rescue makes me smile and I feel myself edge closer to him, to reassure myself of his presence. I am pulled out of my thoughts when Tommy introduces me to the captain he was walking to earlier.
"This is Clara, my sister, Captain, the one you were supposed to find. She will be moving in with me and the boys. I take it you can sort out the paperwork?" Tommy eyes the captain as though challenging him to refuse. "Take anything she says as law, she may be small but she's smarter than the rest and keep your boys' eyes off of her, I wouldn't want them to lose them." Tommy ruffles my hair and it frustrates me as he has just introduced me as if were his equal yet his gesture is to remind me that I'm still a child. "It's a pleasure to meet you Miss Shelby, Tommy's had me looking for you for years. Have to say you were hard to find." The captain tells me, this new information surprises me, it had never occurred to me that Tommy had been looking and wasn't able to find me. I shake the captain's hand and look up to Tommy who shrugs silently promising to tell me everything later. Even after all these years Tommy and I are still able to have these wordless conversations and my heart flutters as I know the bond between us has not been lost.

Polly, Arthur and John soon arrive in the car and the three of them enter the building despite complaints from the officers saying that it had not been deemed safe yet. Polly tells Tommy that there is confetti inside the building which makes me wonder that if at least some of the stories I have heard about the Shelby's were be true. It must be one of Tommy's enemies that blew up the pub I was scarcely allowed in as a child. Tommy tells the captain that it was a gas leak that was responsible and hands the man several bank notes, confirming yet another story. Tommy has the police eating out of the palm of his hand. Tommy doesn't let go of my back until all the officers have left and Polly and my brothers have gathered round us.
"How the fuck did you get here so quickly?" John askes me pulling me to stand next to him. My brothers always used to keep a hold of me in public and usually it would have me fizzing but today I don't think its only because they want to keep me safe. They've missed me and for once I welcome the arm on my shoulder or back as I have missed it so much over the last five years.

"Right I'm going to deal with that on my own, Arthur get the boys and get this place cleaned up. Polly, John you take her back get her cleaned up and in some goddamned clothes and shoes. Family meeting as soon as I get back and you make sure everyone is there, got it?" Tommy orders, taking control. Everyone nods and goes about what Tommy tells them to, except me. "Where are you going?" I ask him as he walks away, I am quick to follow.
"The pub," he answers.
"But it just burned down,"
"The Irish pub," he tells me making me stop.
"Well then I'm coming with you,"
"No your going with John and Polly,"
"Why not Tommy? It would be good to catch up over a pint, no?"
He looks at me considering it for a minute and I see a small smile grow on his face as he realises that the hold I have over him still. Tommy and I were always the closest siblings growing up. But as I notice him deliberately gazing over me and my lack of shoes, I realise that this is not a fight I'm going to win. "Be in my office when I get back, I want that catch up before the family meeting." I sigh and nod knowing that this is the best I'm going to get, he smiles at me and puts his hand under my chin. "I'll pick you up some clothes on my way back and some lemon drops," he promises making me giggle at the mention of my favourite sweets that I haven't had since leaving Birmingham all those years ago. He used them to manipulate me then and that's what he's trying to do now. He ruffles my hair one more time as I turn back to John who is waiting by the car and I swear at this family meeting I am making my brothers aware that the hair ruffling is no longer okay. 

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