Chapter 4

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❄️Elsa's POV❄️

Even though my back still hurt, very much, from the incidient, I followed the prince. He made his way to the- uhh 'I -don't -know -what- it's-called' room but his grip on my wrist was still there

"You know, I can keep up without you holding my hand you know" I say and he looked at our hands together and realised what he was doing

"Oh, sorry..." he said and let go

I could feel myself starting to like the prince but then i scolded myself for thinking and doing such things. He's a Prince and I'm just a normal, ugly, villager so it would never work out with each other; I mean, isn't a royal meant to fall in love with another royal or is that just in fairy tales? I don't know, but all I'm sure of is that we would never work out. Besides, he would never like me, I'm just plain, boring and ugly.

"Where are we going?" I asked

"To go and ask my parents if you can stay in the castle, of course! Oh and, also, I would like you to meet my little sister, Emma, too. That's only if we see her though" he replies

The rest of the walk was quiet and to be honest, I'm scared to meet the King and the Queen. I mean, I'm a villager in their castle, without them knowing, and used their doctor, without them knowing! Wouldn't anyone be scared of their reaction when they realise that someone, like me, was in their castle?! On the other hand, it would be such an honour to meet them as they are the King and Queen who rule our beautiful kingdom.

Finally, we got to the door and Prince Jack opened it and walked in.

"Jack, I thought you were going to take a walk!" His mother cried but then noticed me and I quickly bowed to her and then she nodded her head and returned her attention to Jack

"Son, why is there a village girl in our castle? And why is she with you?" she asked. This is what I was afraid of.

"Mother, this is Elsa, Elsa meet my mother, Queen Emily" (Just to let you know, this is probably not the real name of the character so i googled up on who played the character and it said that the person was called Emily Nordwind. I do not know if this is correct though) "She is here because I saw her mother whipping her so I brought her to the doctor and now I think it's best for her to stay here" Jack answered while introducing us to each other. I stayed silent in the whole conversation because I was too afraid that if I said one word I would ruin everything! Queen Emily turned around to the man who cleaning the room and she demanded

"Michael, go outside with this girl, Elsa, and wait while Jack and I have a little chat"

Oh no! I knew Jack shouldn't have done this! I got him into trouble because of me! I started to panic but i looked at Jack saying sorry with my eyes but he just returned a re-assuring smile to me. At least that made me feel a bit better. Michael and I walked out of the room, closed the doors, and waited for them to call us back into the room. I wonder if I got Jack into a lot of trouble and I also wonder about what they are talking about in there. Are they talking about me? They could be; I mean it is a possibility. But I might never know.

⛄️Jack POV⛄️

"Jack, you can't just bring random village girls into the castle and ask her if she can stay here! I mean, she has family and friends, doesn't she?" my mother yelled

"Well... Anctually, her father abandoned her when she was younger, her mother hates her guts, and, she can still visit her friends" I reply

"How do you even know that?" she asks in shock

"Well, she told me so and also why would her mother whip her if she didn't hate her?"

"I guess you're right, she can stay here, BUT, she must do things herself- no maids, no nothing and she will not eat at the table with us. Is that clear son?"

"Understood mother, thank you!" I answered and ran out of the room to tell Elsa the great news!

I ran but I didn't have to run very far, she was just outsidethe door. Did she hear the conversation? She couldn't have, the walls are sound proof arn't they? Nevermind that.

"Hey Elsa! I got great news! Okay so lets begin with... She's letting you stay here! However, since you are not royalty, you cannot eat with us so you will have to eat after us with the left over food" I exclaim

"Oh My God! Thats great! Thank you so much!" she replied and, I'm guessing, since she's full of excitement, she jumped and hugged me.

All I have to say is...




❄️Elsa's POV❄️

Once I realised what I was doing, I stopped hugging him and said

"Oh, umm, I'm really sorry your highness"

"No, no, it's okay! I don't really get hugs often since my parents are really busy working. And by the way, you can call me Jack" he replied. I was shocked that he doesn't get hugs a lot.

"Oh well, okay Jack. And I'm sorry that you don't get hugs a lot" I say and after i said 'and' I mumbled the rest after it while looking at the ground. The ground looks so... interesting? (Notice the sarcasm)

"It's okay. Oh! Let me show you your new room!"

"Okay" I answered and we start walking up the stairs, down the corridors. We then got to a certain door and we stopped. He opened the door for me and signalled for me to go inside. The room was massive.

It has light blue paint on the walls with random beautiful snowflakes engraved in it, a massive bed, a walk-in closet/wardrobe and, a separate bathroom and much more. There were no words to describe how beautiful and cool the room looked. It was truly amazing

"Wow..." I muttered underneath my breath. I scanned the room again and I noticed a small door.

"Where does that lead to?" I asked while pointing to the door

"It leas to my room, which is right next to yours" he explained. I looked at him confused on why it was there so I asked

"Why is it there?"

"Well, I really don't know the proper reason it's there but if you have a bad dream or something, feel free to come over to me!"

"Same to you" I smiled to him

"You know, your smile is very beautiful, don't let anyone tell you different" he says, making me blush. I must look like a red tomato! I can feel the heat rushing up to my cheeks, god! This is so embarrassing!

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