Chapter 9

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❄️Elsa's POV❄️

When Jack walked into my room he said

"Do you want to go out to the garden and, you know, go for a walk?" Is he asking me out on a date? Why would he possibly do that? Well, lets wait and see.

"Sure" I answered with a smile. I got up from my bed and he led me to the garden. In the garden, there was apple trees, oak trees and all kinds of beautiful flowers!

"Wow... This is amazing" I said in awe and then he waved his hand signalling for me to follow him and so I followed. When he stopped I stopped as well. Well, I didn't exactly stop, I bumped into him as I wasn't looking properly. I took a look at our surrounding and it had white, red and pink roses. Absolutely amazing. Jack knelt down and plucked a rose of each colour before turning to me, and said

"Elsa, you are the bravest, most kindest and beautifulest girl in the world, so would you do the honours of being my snowflake and fall for me?" He paused for a bit before carrying on "And I know that we are not supposed to date, but if you say 'yes' we can date in secret and that would make me the happiest Prince in the world!" He was asking me to be his girlfriend! I cant believe it! I stared at him with a wide smile plastered on my face and started to nod my head.

"Yes! Yes I would love to be your girlfriend!" Then I went to hug him and he accepted it. When we broke the hug, he kissed me and I kissed back. It was my first kiss, and it was absolutely perfect! All of the sudden, the ground under us started to turn to ice, shaped as a heart. Then someone spoke to us.

"Hello Jack and Elsa" the mysterious person said. I looked around us but no one was there. Strange.

"Who's there?" Jack demanded

"Look up, I am the moon" it said.

"Whoa..." Both me and Jack gasped in unison

"Why is there ice on the ground?" I asked. Was it only me wondering this?

"Because you two have been chosen to have special power. Ice, snow and frost to be exact" The moon paused as me and Jack exchange glances then we turned our attention back to the moon and it continued

"Both of you have been chosen because you possess something important but I shall not say. Jack your centre is fun because you always love to have fun and you make others feel better by getting them to have fun. Elsa your centre is freedom and love as you broke free from your mother and everyone you know, adores you"

--------Time Skip--------

⛄️Jack's POV⛄️

"What are supposed to do with our powers?" Elsa, my beautiful, most amazing girlfriend in the world, asked the moon but it didn't answer so we went to my room to talk.

"Well, this is my room... Taddaa?" I told Elsa since she has never been in my room before. We both sat down on the bed and decided to test our powers. When Elsa touched the window, a detailed snowflake pattern appeared, but when I touched it, frost started to appear.

Elsa giggled quietly

"What?" I asked

"Nothing... It's just frost as in your surname, Frost" She answered and then I had an idea.

"Lets go to the North Mountain to see what we can really do!" I said

"Sounds good to me" She replied with a smile. We grabbed some clothes, food, and other essentials we may need then we went to tell my dad.

"Hey dad, Elsa and I are going to the mountain and we might stay there over night, okay?" I tried to not tell him why we are going there and hoping that for the love of God that he won't care or ask why

"Ok" He answered. Wow. That was... Simple and easy I guess and then we left. This is going to be so much fun! To add to it, I've got Elsa there!

--------Time Skip--------

❄️Elsa's POV❄️

After what seemed like forever, we finally arrived at the North Mountain, however what faced us was a massive mountain. How on Earth are we supposed to get up there?!

"How do we get up there?" I asked

"Simple" Jack replied and started to take out climbing equipment.

"Wait! Don't take anything out yet! We came here to test our powers, so, lets use them" I suggested as I thrust my hands out in front of me, hoping to create an ice staircase. As I did this, I thought of another idea, why don't I build an Ice Castle? We need a place to stay after all and Jack is a Royal, he must have an Ice Palace! I got to work, thrusting and swinging my hands everywhere to create two bed rooms, chandeliers, dining room, kitchen and many other things a palace needs. Jack watched in awe as he watched me build our temporary palace.

"Jack, why don't you follow me, I'll show you your room" He followed me up the stairs and through the corridors and I showed him his room. His room looked exactly like his room in his castle except that everything is made out of ice and snow.

"Oh my God..." He mumbled

"What? You don't like it?" I questioned nervously. What is he doesn't like it? What if he didn't like his old room? What if- cut it out Elsa!

"No..." He replied. Well, poop that sorta hurt. "I love it!" He exclaimed as he made his way towards me and picked me up and spun me around in the air. I was laughing and smiling like mad. Then, he did something I wasn't expecting, he kissed me again! It was quick yet passionate kiss and I have to say, 2 kisses in one day, AMAZING!!! Best. Day. Ever!

Once we settled down, we went to the dining room and are dinner together, which was the great ham sandwich! I noticed that Jack ate with a great posture and never talked with his mouth full, but I will change that.

"Loosen up Jack" I said "Your not in your castle, you don't have to act like a prince!"

He looked at me and tried to copy what I was doing but he failed! He looked like he was trying to do an impression of the Hunchback of Notre Dame!

"What are you doing?

"I'm coping your posture" He answered with a perplexed look

"No your not!" I said. That was sooo offensive! I got out of my chair and walked over to him and tried to show him how to sit like a villager, but he couldn't get it right! It's not that hard, right?

"Do you have any ideas on how I can teach you?" I asked

"You could sit on my lap and I can lean against you so I can copy" He said with sarcasm dripping in his voice. That was not actually a bad idea...

‼️✨ Sorry I haven't updated in forever! I will try to update lots over this week as I do not have school, I hope you like this chapter and I have to say, 2 JELSA KiSSES! 😍 To make it up for not updating loads, I thought to put in the Jelsa kisses early and I put a video from one of my favourite youtube singers! Well, take care my ⛄️ and ❄️!

-xx_jelsa_xx ✨‼️

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