Chapter 7

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❄️Elsa's POV❄️

"Hello! Oh my! The Prince is here..." the man inside my old house said and he bowed. He had blonde shaggy hair, brown eyes and was wearing a suit with mountain gear on it.

"Yes... Ummm... Is Mrs... Umm..." Jack began and turned to me to ask, in a whisper,

"What's your last name?"

"Winters" I whispered back.

"Is Mrs Winters here? We need to get this young lady's stuff" Jack finished

"Oh no, she sold this house to me yesterday, but she said that is a girl named Elsa came by, I should give her the stuff in the boxes" The man said.

"Well, Elsa is here, so can you show us where the boxes are so we can take them?" Jack asked

"Certainly" Then the man stepped out of the house and waved his hand to signal us to follow him. We walked to the back of the house and I saw a young women holding a gun, aiming at us. She had long golden blonde hair, big emerald eyes and was wearing a black suit.

"Jack, get down!" I yelled and ran to the bush. Just before I ran, I saw Jack do as I told.

The women popped straight up and started running and shouting at me. Suddenly burning pain erupted in my shoulder! Just great! I got shot in the shoulder, but I didn't stop running, I carried on. Well, at least I didn't get shot in the leg. I circled around the lady with the gun and got close to her behind her back. I jumped on her back and tried to get the gun out of her hand. She struggled and started to try thrash me off but I kicked the gun and it scattered across the floor. I then judo-flipped the lady and she went unconscious, for how long, I don't know. When I looked behind me, I saw Jack and the man running up to us. Finally, they arrived and he helped us bring the unconscious women to the castle. I didn't really have to carry the girl so I just lead the way. Of course I was glad that I didn't have to take the women because my shoulder still hurts like hell! I can't describe how much it hurts right now! I looked at my shoulder and I saw that the blood was seeping through the clothes quickly but I decided to ignore it.

"Hey, so, I just wanted to say thanks and what's your name?" I asked the man

"No problem at all, and my name is Kristoff" he answered. Then Jack looked at me and noticed that I'd been shot.

"Elsa!" Jack yelled "You got shot!!!" I nodded

"Yeah, it was just in my shoulder though and it went right through so the bullet isn't there" I said

"Yeah, I know, it's just that it's bleeding a lot so we need to get you to the doctor as soon as possible" he said with a tone of worry and panic. "We should start running. Kristoff you can keep walking with this women if you want" and with that, Jack and I started running through town to the castle. Jack was faster then me, of course, but I managed to catch up as I ran twice as fast then I normally do.

⛄️Jack's POV⛄️

When we got to doctors office, he patched up the bullet wound in Elsa's shoulder and said

"Now Elsa, it is very important that you do not pick anything up or even use your right arm until it heals completely"

"Okay" Elsa replied and then the doctor turned to face me.

"And Jack, I want you to watch over Elsa 24/7 until her shoulder heals" he ordered

"Okay" and then Elsa asks

"What about at night?"

"As I said '24/7'" The doctor answered. After that we walked out of the doctors office, we saw Kristoff standing there, waiting for us, still holding the women, which who has now finally woken up.

"What's your name?" Elsa demanded

"Why do you want to know?" The women snarled, avoiding Elsa's question

"I want to know the name of that person that tried to kill us!" The women thought for a while. I'm guessing that she's debating with herself weather to tell us or not. She eventually said

"Rapunzel Corona" Elsa's eyes widened in shock

"Why were you trying to kill us? Your family is supposed to help mine!" Elsa said. What is she talking about? Then Rapunzel spoke

"Because you started living in the Castle and we couldn't let you spill the beans" anger was written all over Elsa's face and looked like she was ready to beat the crap out of Rapunzel

"I'm your cousin! How could you not trust me?"

"Come on, Elsa, let's bring her to my parents" I said trying to stop the argument

"Sounds good to me" she answered. So we walked around the castle to look for my parents.

❄️Elsa's POV❄️

When we got to the King and Queen, they were having lunch in the dining room. We told them about what happened in the house and they told the guards to put Rapunzel in one of the cels.Her trail will be in a months time. Right now, I'm in my room, while Jack is eating his lunch with his parents. Then someone knocked on my door

"Come in" I answered. Then a man came in and I noticed that the man was Kristoff bringing my boxes full of my stuff. Then I remembered. We didn't get to bring my stuff to the castle because we were to busy trying to not get killed by my despicable cousin.

"Oh, thank you. I forgot that we didn't retrieve these" I went to pick up a box but then I remembered my shoulder so I kicked it over to the corner of the room.

"Your welcome. It was the least I could do for saving our buts back there" he said with a smile and I smiled back. At that moment, Jack came in to the room.

"Elsa, you can come and eat now" then he noticed Kristoff in here "You can come too" he offered

"Oh no no, I can't, I'm late for work, but thank you for the offer!" Kristoff said with a bow and left the room.

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