Chapter 6

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Elsa's POV❄️

Suddenly, I heard a knock on my door and woke up from my daze. I walked over to mthe door and opened it. It was Jack.

"Come on Elsa! We have finished eating so you can come eat now. Oh and by the way, my father would like to meet you" Jack said

"Okay" I answered and to be honest, I'm terrified of meeting the King. We walked down the corridors and stairs, into the dining room. The king was tall with chocolate brown hair, just like the Queen. I bowed and waited for the King to speak.

"So you are the village girl that my family has been talking about. Whats your name? How old are you? Do you play any sports? What's your favourite colour?And ave you ever had a boyfriend?" the King asks. I was shocked at his last question because it was a little personal wasn't it? But I will answer it anyway.

"My name is Elsa, I am 16, I like to play soccer and football with the village boys, when I'm not working, my favourite colour is light blue, and I've never had a boyfriend" When I said that I never had a boyfriend before, Jack and the King looked surprised and both of them stared at me in disbelief.

"You've never had a boyfriend?" They both say in unison

"Correct" I summed up "Umm... Not to be rude or anything but may I go to the kitchen and fix myself some breakfast, I'm really hungry since I didn't get dinner yesterday?" I continued

"Oh yes, of course! Let me show you the kitchen" Jack said

⛄️Jack's POV⛄️

I showed Elsa the left overs and gave her a plate so that she could put the food on. She put some eggs, sausage, hash browns and mushrooms on her plate and then said

"Is it alright if I go up to my room and eat? I promise that I won't make a mess"

"Sure it's fine. Can I come with you?" I asked wanting to get to know her better.

"Sure!" She replied with a smile across her face. We started to walk to her room. As she walked in front of me, I saw that she walks with grace and elegant posture. To me, it looks like she was born to be a Princess. I started to fall in love with her but then I scolded myself for it. I just met her yesterday and you can't fall in love with the person you've just met, can you? She is also a village girl, so I can't date her. Finally we reached her room, we walked in and sat on the edge of her bed and she started to eat. I thought of some questions to ask her so I can get to know her better.

"So, do you have many friends in the village?" I asked. When she finished chewing her food, she answered

"Yeah, I have many, but, most of them are boys because the girls are way too girly for me" I was shocked that most of her friends were boys but I was ever so jealous.. Then I asked her who is her best friend. She thought for a moment then answered

"I don't really have a best friend" Then she ate her last bit of eggs.

"Are you ready to go get your stuff?" I asked her

"Yeah. I was born ready!" she answered and giggled and I chuckled. We exited the castle and walked to her old home.

Then suddenly a football was making it's way to my face...

Elsa quickly reached ver and caught the ball with one hand and through it back in a perfect spiral.

"Wow..." I stared at her in awe "You are really good"


"Hey Elsa, wanna play?"one of the boys on the field yelled

"Sorry, I wish I could, but I can't" she said and pointed at me

"Els, what are you doing with him? He's the Prince you know" another boy said. I was kinda offended by his tone of voice, but then Elsa walked up to him and said

"Yeah, I know. You got a problem with that?"

"No, I'm just worried that your going soft on us" Then Elsa did something I'd never thought she would do. First she kissed the guy on the cheek, which I was getting a bit jealous of, and said

"Maybe I am--" Then she punched him in the face "--But not that much" She finished. She turned around and started walking off but the boy was coming up behind her, ready to punch her, but then she swiftly turned around and kicked him, where the sun don't shine, and he fell to the ground. We walked to her mum's house when the incident had finished and when we got there, I said to her,

"Remind me to never get on your bad side" She nodded

"Hey Jack, don't ever get on my bad side - A Quote From Prince Jack" she joked and we both laughed. When we got to the entrance of the house, I knocked on the door.

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