The Sneakier Tactic

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop. 

Rope made out of sheets? Check. Camera? Check. Flashlight? Check. Heavy clothes and books? Check. Backpack, snacks and water? Check. Everything was ready. He would be done with the dare in no time ... Well, he would like to tell himself that. It was about a thirty minute walk to the house, and it might take longer due to the snow, but he would reach it and get ... evidence. Oliver gulped.

Why had he accepted the dare again? Oh right, he wanted to make it into the paranormal investigators group at his middle school. There only was eighth grade left, and he wanted to get in sooner than later. Sure, they'd probably all go to the same high school, but it would be harder to get in once in ninth grade. At least, that's what he assumed. High school did have the notorious reputation of kicking someone to the dirt if the person didn't find some group to hang out with.

Throwing the sheet rope out of his bedroom window, he grabbed a hold of it and tested its strength first. He gave it a good, hard tug, and it stayed. Oliver breathed a sigh of relief and placed his dark red gloves on and wrapped his scarf in similar hue around his neck. The young teenager adjusted his navy blue beanie some while tufts of dark brown hair poked out from under his hat.

Breathing in before he exhaled, he slung his backpack over his shoulders and took up the rope again. Carefully, he made his way down and used the side of his house to help his descent. A shiver ran up his spine from the cold, but excitement at sneaking onto the home's grounds ate at him.

Hopping down, snow puffed up around his feet, and he headed off towards his destination. Confidence was in his step, and he had to force himself to open the back gate quietly before he closed it again. The squeaking of the old metal made him cringe, but he didn't see his parents' bedroom light turn on. His shoulders relaxed, and he walked through the more wooded area around the houses so that no one would see him.

Oliver flicked on his flashlight at a dull light and reminded himself that the creature was no longer in their town. It had been seven months since everyone had calmed down from the thing, and it had been eight since the last attack. Haley Zeen and (f/n) (l/n) both had been kidnapped technically, but everyone knew them to be dead. Luckily, the creature had left with them. Therefore, it was safe to walk in the cover of the many pine trees around their town. Sure, there were animals and other critters, but he wasn't worried about those. Rarely, did any attacks happen.

At one point, though, he did have to cross the street. His brown eyes looked for any cars, and he was relieved to see none. It was midnight, and he did live in a relatively quiet, small town. Once on the other side, he hid himself back behind the trees near the road and continued to follow the path to his location.

Carnation Hills was his stop, and he felt his heart rate increase as he neared it. He was excited to explore the grounds and snap pictures of the place to earn his ticket into the group at school. Probably, he wouldn't sight anything out of the normal, but that wasn't his task. It simply was to retrieve several pictures of the place and leave. Easy enough.

Still, there were rumors that someone was in the owners' daughter's room at his school. One of the girls, who had gone with her parents to tend to her uncle's funeral, had stated that she had seen the curtains move when no one had been in the house. A boy in another class, who had traveled there for a cousin's funeral, had sworn that he had seen a woman by the window when no one had been inside.

Infectious Devotion (Yandere M. x Fem. Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon