The Shadier Stealing

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Everything in the wilderness around Flat Peak seemed normal. There were no warning signs. It was another section of their game together, and he had no intention of catching her soon, but hearing her run in the distance was amusing. He wished her to be a little more careful with her thigh wound, but he figured that it wouldn't bleed too much. It wasn't like he had taken a large chunk out of her leg; however, such ease didn't last long.

Snaps disrupted his whistling, which he loved to tease her with, confuse her with. He paused and listened, but he couldn't get an exact scent on what was causing the snapping sound. They were closer to his pink flower than to him, which worried him. Unlike him, something else actually might attack and kill her. "Sh*t," he mumbled before he increased his speed to find out what was creating the noise.

When he arrived on scene, however, (f/n) was gone, and there was a dead man, facedown, in the snow. His optics searched the nearby area for her, and he saw the snow disturbed down the hill to his right. He narrowed his eyes and peered down it, but he couldn't see the entirety of it too well with the trees. Blood was heavy in the vicinity, but it wasn't his little partner's that was so close and overwhelming.

His very pale blue optics shifted over to the dead man in flannel. The creature crouched by him and saw how awkward the sleeves were. He lifted them up and discovered that stranger had no hands. A giggle would've escaped him were the situation not serious and he had killed the man. There also was the fact that both forearms were bandaged to help prevent further blood loss. Crimson pooled around the man's lips and had formed a puddle on the snow when he lifted the man's head up.

Pulling open his mouth, the creature discovered that the man's tongue had been removed. He switched his attention to the man's back where the flannel and his shirts were tone. The creature moved them aside and saw a large stab wound from presumably a knife there. Another thing was the odd angle of the man's legs. When he moved up the man's pants, he saw heavy bruising as though bones had been fractured or near to being that way.

If the man had been the one to create the tree branch snaps, that would be impressive in his condition, but someone had caused the injuries and administered the fatal blow to his back. Standing up, the creature faced the hill sloping downward and began to run down it. No doubt, (f/n) had to be at the bottom of it if she fell. In fact, it had sounded too like someone had a fall before he had reached the man, but there had been running footsteps too. Those were slight, but he had caught them.

Those steps worried him unless (f/n) had been the one to kill the man. She did have a knife, but he doubted that she had given the man the other injuries. So even if she did kill him, someone else was around, but he couldn't pick up the individual's scent. When his eyes caught sight of the blood on the one tree and a slight trail down the hill, he sped down the rest of the way. Reaching the bottom, he noticed a larger deposit of blood, and it was (f/n)'s. He could tell by the sweet scent of it; however, she was nowhere to be found, and there was no blood trail to lead him to her.

That predicament had caused him to race around the nearby area and search for her. Unfortunately, he hadn't been able to track her down. It was as though her scent disappeared completely, which should've been impossible. Maybe, someone bandaged her wounds, but there weren't footsteps either. The creature knew that after such a fall she probably wouldn't be able to travel too far on her own, which led to the conclusion that the other person had taken her.

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