The Nearer Sigh

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.  

Also, AFIS = automated fingerprint identification system

"Closed?!" Thomas called back, confused. He ran his right fingers through his locks some in a scratching motion. That didn't make sense. Thomas turned around and headed towards the back of the van again. His optics fell upon Rick and Greta's car. Taking his flashlight off from his utility belt, he shone it on the vehicle. When it landed on the front tire, he noticed the problem, and he moved the flashlight to the other ones as well. All flat.

Checking the doors and finding them all locked, he heard a door resisting being open to his right. His eyes glanced over to spot Dan trying the backdoor. It looked like it was locked too. "Find anything?!" Dan asked as he walked over to Thomas, who nodded his head.

When his superior was over, he explained, "All of the tires on their car have been slashed. The doors are locked, and the keys are missing." Thomas shone the light inside of the car. "Nothing seems to be out of place inside, so this odd."

"A customer might've gotten pissed off somehow. Though, I've never once seen that happen here, nor have there ever been any reports of that." Dan stared up and over. "There's also that semi-truck." He walked over and checked the doors. "These are locked too, but the tires are fine." The two met at the back of the van.

"Were all of the lights turned off inside?" Thomas inquired, averting his eyes over to the building briefly before back to Dan.

"Yeah, and there was no note explaining why they were gone, but everything looked fine inside from what I could see."

"Do you have their personal numbers?"

"No. Only the diner's." He rested his hands partially in his pants' pockets. "That won't do much good right now." Dan wrinkled his nose again. "There's the smell of heavy cleaner all over the place, though. It's like they doused the whole place in the stuff before taking off in another car, though; that just doesn't sit right with me." A frown rested on his lips. "Especially with their car and that semi out here."

"Do you think that they were attacked and dragged off somewhere?" Thomas leaned against the back of the van, and (f/n) moved farther against the cabinets so that she wouldn't be seen. "Someone could've cleaned up after themselves if no one else was around." His head nodded to the semi. "That person might've been taken too or killed, or they were the one who started the fight."

"It's certainly possible. For right now, let's take some fingerprints on Rick and Greta's car." His brown optics shifted back to the truck. "On the semi too. We'll keep an eye on this place after that." (F/n) felt her stomach tighten at the mention of fingerprinting, and she practically could feel the creature's gaze on the van and the two CSU men. The creature was watching the whole thing most likely, and she wondered if he would strike anytime soon, though; since they needed to keep their identities unknown, that might not happen. Still, though, her fingerprints were on those car handles.

"Do you think that we'll get any matches in the AFIS system?" Thomas questioned, pulling out their gear from the back and managing not to sight (f/n).

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