The Slicker Sight

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Droplets of water never sounded so booming. Each one hit the tiled floor and seemed to bounce off the walls like it was a ball from racquetball traveling at high speed. Her heartbeat increased, and she felt that the organ would tear itself out of her chest. She parted her lips, and a droplet fell upon her bottom one. It trailed down slowly before it joined the other ones on the tile.

Hands held onto the towel tighter, and she felt each droplet run down her skin at a sickeningly slow pace. The water didn't feel like water anymore. Rather, her mind almost thought that thick crimson was painting her skin. (F/n) had to glance down momentarily, and she calmed down only a little bit when she noted that water was on her, not blood. Steadily, she shifted her attention towards the window where she swore that she had seen movement. Her feet moved her closer to the glass, and she peered out and down towards the street. A few streetlights illuminated the small paved road as well as the sidewalk. No one was outside, except one figure.

That figure wore a black hoodie, pants and sunglasses. The individual's feet were bare and a deathly pale color. She heard herself gulp. Both of the person's hands were in the hoodie's pockets. Gradually, she took steps back from the window as the person glanced around the area. Currently, the individual's attention was on the other side of the street ... where Nick's house was. (E/c) optics noted the navy blue duffel bag on the figure's left shoulder.

There was no way that wasn't him. He had found her ... She gulped again. When she noticed him begin to look her way, she backed up quickly; however, she slipped in the process. Before she could catch herself, she hit the tile on her bottom, and a light groan escaped her. Instantly, though, she covered her mouth as though the creature already was at her apartment door. At least, though, he couldn't see her anymore from the street. Still, she had no time to sit around and wait. If he was here, then he knew that she was somewhere in the town; she had to get going.

Crawling over to her pale yellow backpack, she undid the zipper and grabbed her wig and contacts, but her hands soon stopped. They held the items over the bag before she glanced back towards the window momentarily. If she left and the creature didn't know, she would put Nick, his team and Ms. Zacerson all into harm's way more. She didn't know if the creature already knew about Nick and his team or even Ms. Zacerson, but he would find out eventually if he searched every spot in the town for her.

Part of her still told her to throw on the wig and contacts and bolt out of there, but after what Nick, Ren, Chris, Deidre and Ms. Zacerson had done for her, she felt sick thinking about that. Nick told her to call if the creature ever came into Faller's Grove, and she wanted to since she was terrified of what would happen if and when the creature saw her; however, another part of her was forming another plan. It concerned an idea that didn't involve any of them, that kept them out of harm's way.

After everything, she owed them that. She almost vomited when her mind pictured all of them either tortured or killed in some gruesome manner before the creature ate them in front of her for revenge for her escaping with someone else. (F/n) breathed in and out steadily to calm herself to a degree. If that happened, she only could imagine the illusions that would haunt her, and she didn't think that she ever could forgive herself if any of them died. Ultimately, she brought all of them into this mess, and there was only one way to get them out of it; she couldn't disguise herself, at least not for the entire time she made her escape. Rather, she had to draw the creature's attention away from her and from the area she currently was in.

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