The Blotchier Whisper

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Who? The question immediately rang in her head. People walked by her, and someone else stopped at the smoothie stand. She peered over her left shoulder. It was just another person, not the creature and not that woman. Her shoulders relaxed some until it sounded again. Someone's behind you. What? Heart rate picking up, she gulped and glanced over her shoulder one more time. Yes, there was someone behind her, but that person wasn't the creature.

Were the whispers simply messing with her? And, who did they belong to? The voice was indistinguishable still. She took a sip of her smoothie and commanded her legs to walk forward, to head towards the Ferris wheel. Someone tsking sounded behind her. No, she wouldn't look. Her mind was playing tricks on her again. That's all it was; she couldn't give in to it.

Her feet almost led her to the line of the ride, but she paused near the hat stand. Would it be safe to purchase one now with the whispers? She told herself not to listen to them, but a nagging feeling told her to. If she bought a hat, the creature would see it. That thought kept racing through her mind, and she decided to head to the ride.

Entering the line, she noted that it was shorter than the other one. There were only five people in front of her. One she presumed to be a mother with her two kids, and the other was a couple. She imagined that the creature was making some mental remark about them being on the Ferris wheel together if he was near.

Tired, she leaned against the railing. Her (e/c) optics analyzed the area. Eventually, they landed on the trees and bushes across from her. The pines stood tall and intimidating while the bushes hid the bases of the trunks well. A shadow of a figure met her eyes. Staring further, she noticed the black hoodie and jeans. (F/n) narrowed her eyes and spotted the nearly white strands of hair poking out from under the fabric. A stream of curse words filed through her mind, but she didn't move. He didn't either.

So, he had changed clothes, but how long had he been there? Gradually, she took another sip of her smoothie. Its sweet taste woke her up a little bit, and she reminded herself that she had to stay awake. Once she lost him, she could rest. The line moved forward. She slid along the metal railing. Now, it was just the couple and her.

Paying no mind to the couple's conversation or to the bored eyes of the ride operator, she continued to watch the patch of trees and bushes. The creature shifted some against the trunk before he pushed himself off and disappeared into the shadows under the leaves. Her stomach knotted. For right now, she was fine. Once she left the ride, however, what would he plan?

Someone else entered the line. Briefly, her attention shifted to her right. A bright green hoodie ... and jeans ... Her heart hammered in her chest. No, she just had seen the creature. Steadily, she diverted her eyes up. Bright blue eyes and orange locks greeted her as did a face completely different from the creature's. The man stared down to her and raised a brow. "Something the matter?"

Releasing a nervous chuckle, she quickly apologized, "No. Sorry, I thought that you were someone else." He gave a brief nod, and she turned her gaze back to the plants. The creature wasn't back. It was possible that he even had left the plants while she had been distracted by the man next to her. She took another sip of her drink to hide a gulp.

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