The Sleeker Dive

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Racing farther from the light of flames from the destroyed truck, her light source began to vanish, and it still was quite dark outside. Thankfully, she still had her backpack on, and there was a flashlight in there. Quickly, she opened it up and pulled out the device before she zipped her backpack up again. She switched the flashlight onto the dimmest setting, which still provided her enough light to see ahead of her without drawing too much attention to herself, but she did imagine that the creature already knew her position. No doubt, he would be able to hear the snow crunching under her feet since she was running, and she didn't wish to slow down. Right now, she needed to create distance; she didn't require stealth.

Behind her, she just could hear soft whistling, and even though she comprehended that the creature was the source of it, it continued to unnerve her, especially since it was dark out. The way the sound carried through the woods made it hard to pinpoint where exactly he was behind her, and he was whistling soft enough that she couldn't tell how far behind her he was. (F/n) gripped the flashlight harder and hoped that he would stay behind her. Maybe, he would continue the game for awhile, and this was just him having fun. No, she was certain that he was enjoying himself at the present moment.

A snap to her left, though, caught her attention. She resisted the urge to shine her flashlight over there. Rather, she continued to dart forward. If she reached Flat Peak, she might find brief safety, which could give her more time to establish a more permanent solution. Her desire to remain in Faller's Grove and relax there in the peacefulness it provided suddenly seemed incredibly foolish. No doubt, she could've been on the other side of the country or in another country that permitted only a passport to stay there for a bit, yet part of her didn't regret her decision to stay.

She had gotten to spend some time with Nick and catch up with him; she had created a lasting friendship, and she had to protect him. If she had left, the creature would've reached Faller's Grove and probably would've torn it apart, hoping to find some answers to her location. Nick and his team would've been tortured and killed, and the creature still would be at square one.

What she was doing now and what she had done in the past prevented that to a degree. Her actions bought them much needed time, and for once, her actions in the game hadn't killed anyone. That was an improvement from the beginning of it. Up her spine, a shiver traveled at the thought of the diner, and she wished never to view that place again.

Focusing her attention back to what was in front of her, she dodged another tree and continued to head in the direction of the town. Maybe, she'd get lucky and find a taxi service of some sort. She doubted it, but someone might be willing to drive her farther away from the creature. If she took that route, though, she hoped that the driver wouldn't get killed in the process, or she'd start on that awful count again.

Another snap to her left, though, struck slight panic in her veins. Was that him, or was it something else? She didn't know which was worse since she didn't know how long the creature would keep the game going. The dreadful reality was that she only was in the game still because the creature wished that to be the case. Once he wanted it to end, it would be over, so she had to take advantage of the current situation. Whatever else was in the woods, though, wasn't part of their game, and if it wished to kill her, it wouldn't hold back, so she ended up wishing that it was the creature.

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