The Blunter Reasoning

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Freezing water wrapped itself around her form as it rushed over her. Her eyes widened at the intensity of its cold touch, and her lips parted in shock. Bubbles formed above her mouth and floated up, though; she couldn't see them due to the darkness of the water. Part of her ordered her to endure it more due to the being that was up on the stairs, but she couldn't; it was too painful, too suffocating.

The cold water burned her throat and lungs. It was like torture in its own right. She forced her limbs to move as she hurried to reach the surface and climb onto the steps wherever they were; however, the current was too strong, and it kept knocking her down. Her legs already were too weak, and her left thigh barely could tolerate the exertion she was forcing upon it.

Desperately, she reached up, but she rolled to the side. More bubbles escaped her lips, and oxygen was abandoning her rapidly. She screamed at herself to keep pushing herself upwards. (F/n) didn't want to die, especially after everything she had dealt with. There was still the game to beat. She still had a chance. If it weren't for the water, tears could be seen streaming down her cheeks.

She probably looked pathetic in her attempts to survive, but she had to try; she to keep trying like she always had done. Her fingers stretched out. "Please," she cried out, her words muffled and distorted by the water. To her panic, though, her eyes were beginning to shut as her body grew weaker. (F/n) couldn't stop herself from slipping away, and her eyes finally shut under the icy depths.

Absolute softness greeted her fingertips. They rubbed against the texture, and a calm smile touched her lips. Underneath her head, a comfortable cushion rested, and she tilted her head into it. Wherever she was, it was warm and soothing. Memories of chilling waters and lack of oxygen filled her mind steadily, and she furrowed her brows as she woke up more. A headache began to form, and she tried to focus on the softness of her surroundings once more.

A quiet moan of discomfort parted from her when the headache wouldn't leave her be; however, it was a sign that she probably wasn't dead. That thought, though, woke her up even more. Where was she? Opening her eyes would help with that, but she didn't wish to know who had rescued her. She doubted that the creature had unless he had managed to find her at just the perfect moment. And if it wasn't him, that left the possibility of it being whoever/whatever had been in the tunnels with her.

Recalling the shoe, she wondered if it really had been a ghost in those tunnels with her. If it hadn't been, then what/who had she been dealing with? Unfortunately, she couldn't keep her eyes closed any longer when she accidentally moved onto her right arm too much. Instantly, she winced and rolled onto her back as her eyes opened a little bit. In the process, she heard movement nearby, and she felt her heartbeat pick up a bit. Careful footsteps walked across the room, but they didn't move towards her. Instead, she heard what sounded like a chair being dragged across presumably a wooden floor.

Opening her eyes more, a dull glow greeted them. She turned her gaze to her right and noticed a lantern lit on a nightstand beside the bed she was on. Plush, but old white sheets covered her body, and there was a large white comforter on top of her. Her more awake mind registered that the heat underneath the covers stemmed from something at the end of the bed.

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