Episode 1

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You woke up seeing dawn. You got up and saw the boy named Shiro cooking breakfast and is alive. You didn't question it because Rin told you everything.

Rin: Ahhhh. Goodmorning  🐔

Christeen: Morning.

Shiro: Morning you two.

Saber and Archer was guarding the house and chatting. A few mins passed and Shiro was finished cooking food. He then placed the food on the table with green teas. He also invited Saber in to eat breakfast with us. After that, the two students head for school with their servant expect for Saber who stayed back.

Christeen:(I decided to go to my part-time job as I usually do, trying to avoid night times now)

While you were at work, you saw GILGAMESH! It looked like he was looking for something or someone.

You suddenly asked for a bathroom break and ran as fast as you could to the female's staff restroom. You were scared and stayed there as long as you could.


Christeen: (You got out of the restroom and came out) Then when you got back to work, you notice that Gilgamesh was approaching!

You tried to step back but staff b didn't make you escape.

Staff B: You shouldn't be shy in front of your customers, fight the fear head on rookie!

Christeen:(As if i can do this!Crap we are going to meet eye contact)

He reaches you at the food courter. You both met eye contact and nothing happened But your heart in the other hand, wasn't the same reaction. 🌸

He ordered the most expensive food that was there.

Christeen: Coming right up! He then pay and left. You sweated as a sign of relieve.

Christeen:(That was so intense.)

You worked for a few more hours and then left work to head to Shiro's house.

Before you could do that someone behind you knocked you out leaving you unconscious.

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