Episode 5

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You got out of bed,bathe,ate and headed to work. The priest said I could go to work but I would be monitored. Yesterday wasn't work so I got lucky.

You went to work as you usually do. But a servant was watching me. It was the priest's servant named Lancer.

Gilgamesh still wasn't absent at the time.

The next few hours later...

You almost finished work for the day when you remembered a old memory when you were in high school.
Christeen: Man this book is really interesting.

Friend: Let me see.

Christeen: It's about a man named Gilgamesh. It says that he holds all the treasure in the world and it belongs to him.

Friend: I wish I was his special treasure.

Christeen: I wish I was his special treasure too. I could live the happiest life ever.

Friend: Too bad he doesn't live in our time. Haha

You both laughed.

While you were thinking about it, you almost spill the plate of food.

Staff: Be careful!

You slightly blushed.

When you were done, Lancer escorted you to the priest's house.

You both chat for a bit on the journey.

Lancer: You were pretty determined in your work.

Christeen: Thanks.

Christeen: You know what Gilgamesh is into?

Lancer kissed his teeth.

Lancer: Him eh?

Christeen: Nevermind.

(He looked very pissed when I brought up his name.)

Lancer later asked you something.

Lancer: Do you want to escape.

Christeen: Huh?

Lancer: From Kotomine's place.

(He must be talking about the priest)

Christeen: Yes

He then told you the plan.

Christeen: Why are you helping me?

Lancer: I don't know; I'm not sure myself. I guess its a hobbit.

You finally reached the house.

Lancer: See ya.

When you went to your room, you saw Shiro and Tohsaka outside.

Christeen: "They really came to save me."

You were full of joy and something happened.

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