Option B Episode 12 Good Ending

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Tears fell from my eyes.

With that, i used my final command seal to give the order for Gilgamesh to use his noble phantasm to finish the enemy off.

He took a sharp red noble sword from the Gate of Babylon. Kotomine used the rest of his power to armor up his fists. Both gave it their all for their ideals. Only one won though. The victor was Gilgamesh.

Shirou: Is this, the end?

As I thought this was the end too I heard a loud noise coming from inside the temple.

The holy grail had manufested into a foul ugly creature.

Christeen: What are we gonna do now?

Saber: Don't lose all hope yet.

Saber had came to our rescue.

Rin: By time you showed up!

Gilgamesh: I wasn't worried or anything...

We all bounded up beside Saber to give one true final blow to end this once and for all.

We all united almost like one being and said,

A huge light faded upon us. All our dreams and hopes engolfed us for a mere second. The monster seemed to got obliterated.

The light vanished and I felt exhauted.

Christeen: We did it!

A swift arrow seemed to hit the area where the creature was, ending it for good.

Rin: Archer!

Tohsaka ran to Archer's side. He revealed to her he was Shirou Emiya future self before fading into nothingness.

Saber faded as well giving us a fare well.

Gilgamesh was the only servant that didn't disappear.

Christeen: Hey about what I said last nigh-

I was interrupted by a strong embrace and a stolen kiss by Gilgamesh.
Shirou and Tohsaka looked on in complete stock and I had that blank expression.

Gilgamesh: I want to be with you forever and forever from now on.

From that moment, me and Gilgamesh were more than servant and master.

We didn't know what awaited before us from this point but we will have eachother backs from now on.


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