Option A Episode 8

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I waited and waited for Gilgamesh to open the door. But that didn't happen. As my worry became doubts, the door swang open.

There he was, Kotomine, smiling sadisticly at me. Before i could even say the words "Yo" fast enough, I was knocked out cold.

Hours Later....

My consiousness started to come back to me, I opened my eyes to what seems like a underground basement. I noticed that I was tied up to something.

(Was this always under the church?)

Christeen: Help!


My voice lets out no sound. I tried doing it again to no avail.(Have I been drugged?)

I also tried moving around but that didn't work.

I looked around the environment to find.....
Children Near Me!

I tried signalling them with my body language to please save me.

They moved motionlessly with their eyes as dead as a dead fish.

(Have they been drugged as well?)

I scrolled with my eyes to now find....graves?

First a basement, next kidnapped children and then graves. What is this place?

Is this place where he keeps masters who wanted to escape from the holy grail war?

Now I'm starting to question Kotomine morals.

Feeling like this place bring terrible vibes, I start to feel uneasy. I struggled to escape from my confinement.....

I slowly open my eyes again realizing that had I fallen asleep moments ago.

Someone was standing infront of me.

I hesistantly look up to see who was before me.

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