Option B Episode 11

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I was surprised that he referred to me as "Christi". That little jester showed that he trusts me.

I decided to go back in the coffee shop and told them this new information.

All we need to do now was to prepare ourselves mentally and physically for this.

Thus 3 hours later....

All of us arrived at the temple entrance.
A samuri man was on the stair way waiting patiently for his next opponent.

The man saw us and had his fighting stance immediately. Saber stepped forward.

Saber: I will handle this.

She said in a mature way that made her look cool.

Rin: Okay guys lets go.

We ventured upward to the temple.

2 Foes appeared infront of us by the time we reached.

This wasn't going to be easy anyway though.

Gilgamesh: Let me do the honor of demolishing these tiny insects.

I gave him the approval and he rekt that witch and her master like it was nothing.

We just need to find the "boss" and take him down now.

There he was, Kotomine, standing under the temple like he was at the pinnacle of this entire world.

Gilgamesh eyes lit up as if he was excited to fight while Rin and Shirou looked angry.

Kotomine decided to take the initiative and gave two hard blows to Rin and Shirou.

It was as if the earth had shaken up abit and by time my brain started to process it, they were already laiding down on the ground defeated.

Christeen: Holy motherfu-
(Nearly sweared again)

Gilgamesh used the short period to prepare a full avalanche of swords for Kotomine.

He dodged a few, blocked a few and got hurted from a few.

Kotomine: So you betrayed me now Gilgamesh?

The battle went on and on for awhile and something unexpected happened.

???: Golepole!

A full gust of wind blew from the direction of its attacker.

That attack caused critical damage to Kotomine giving us the advantage.

Seeing that it was from Lancer, I rushed towards him.
I realized that he was depleated of mana and was fading away from reality.

Christeen: Lancer!!

Lancer: Hey, don't cry little lady.

Christeen: But.

Lancer: Its already too late for me. I want to make a little request.

I nod to him

Lancer: "Please live your life to the fullest with no regrets."

After he said his dying words, he withered away.

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