Option B Episode 8

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Gilgamesh grabbed your left hand.

He looked at your left hand for a long while then stopped.

He then stared at your face deeply with his red eyes.

You felt very nervous but you gave the bravest face you could ever make although considering how dangerous and scary he was.

Gilgamesh: How could a foolish mongrel possibly be my master?

Christeen: I-

He cutted off your words.

Gilgamesh: This will not change the state your in or your pathetic little life.

I can't let him stomp all over me any further!

Christeen: I am in this so called "holy grail war" too! I can't just sit here and not do anything!

As I look at Gilgamesh, he gives me a unreadable expresssion.

Gilgamesh: I will only make this allowance once between us. So don't get too ahead of yourself.

Christeen: Wait does that mean-
Gilgamesh: Yes I am your servant as of now.

I tried to swallow all the thoughts into my head after hearing that.

Christeen: First, I want you to help me with a few things...

I told him about Rin and Shiro's situation.

Gilgamesh: What would I gain from all of this?

Christeen: Well....

Gilgamesh: Then thats final I will not do-

You couldn't take his objections to this anymore so you ended up using the command seals on him.

As he realized what was happening, he looked furiously at you.

Gilgamesh: I AM A KING!!!

Christeen:-I need you to bring me to Rin and Shiro for me.

Christeen: Hmm.... and you need to protect them from now on.

Gilgamesh: Such absurd wishes from a foolish human.

My desires looked as if it outweighed his giant pride and edgo. He eventually carried me to them as the stars wondered beauitfully in the sky.

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