50// Poem: A letter to my Mother

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Tiredness. .
Hidden behind those beautiful eyes
Hidden behind those heartwarming smiles
Hidden behind her youthful face
Her struggles and agony
She endures at her age

Love. . .
That's what she had given us
Its a gift she gave that would never last
A four letter word that means so much
A feeling of being safe in her every touch

Care. . .
That is what she always do
To take care of us and to stay
Beside us whenever we have a flu
And every bruise we got she worry too
Its a way of relaying her message
Telling us "I love you"

Mom, after all these years we been
A burden to you
We been a headache
We been a stress , we created pain
A reason why you cry
And a reason why your heart breaks

Mom, its not your fault
You raised us well
Gave us everything we need
But we keep failing you
Been lot of trouble
We are handle in your sleeves

Mom, it been years
I'm now eighteen
I'm healthy you see
I'm doing fine
How about you? I never asked
What obstacle did you face?
What phase of darkness did you embrace?
But after all those things
I wanted to say . . .

Sorry . .
That's what I wanted to say
The rules you gave us I shouldn't ignored
I shouldn't obeyed
Sorry for giving you troubles
For giving you problems
That from the start I should have solved them instead
Sorry for being mad at you sometimes
There would be a time
I font understand the situation
Where I felt like on caged
From your strict rules and regulations
Where I would have missed the fun being with my friends because of our curfews
Mom, sorry for rebelling
Sorry for the actions made
I didn't think twice it will be a torture to you

Forgive me. .
That's all I need
Your love and forgiveness
And I shall reside in peace
Forgive my bad attitude
And being my worst
Forgive my insecurities and uncontentious
Forgive my lies, there are things I cannot say
That's why I hide
Forgive me mother, I am a bad daughter

Thank you. . .
For being my mother
Your love is so tender and sweet
Compare to another
Thank you for everything
Thank you for carrying us in your womb for nine months
We been a burden to you
You gave us love
That is enough
Thank you
I am glad I am your daughter
So are you as my mother

I love you
I know I told it already
But I will tell it until forever
Until I'm still breathing
Until I'm dead
I love you mom
It will keep running at my head
To my mother, I love you
Forever and ever and ever

A mother. . .
That's who you are
A hero, an inspiration
Gave us hope when we are almost to zero
Mom, you are the best of all

True love. . .
Hidden behind those tired eyes
Hidden behind those sweet smiles
Hidden behind those beautiful face
And can be felt inside her warm embrace

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