Chapter 2

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Logan's P.o.V.

Today is our first day of school, in a long time. We dropped out when we were younger because we wanted to be free from our parents. We meet up outside of me and Virgil's door before heading to the cafeteria for breakfast. When we walked in the little chatter stopped. Prince Ben and the others walked in behind us and people went back to what they were doing. 

The Elites and I are not used to having food that isn't from the dumps, so we grabbed random things. I grabbed a not moldy bagel and cream cheese with so not rotten fruit salad. Virgil grabbed a muffin and strawberries. Deceit grabbed another bagel and melon. Thomas grabbed cinnamon bun (never had one before) and grapes.

We sat in the far corner in the shadows away from people. the princes after they got their food sat next to us for whatever reason. I sat next to Virgil on one side and Roman sat on the other, Ben sat next to Roman. Deceit sat next to Thomas on one side and Patton sat on the other, Remy sat next to Patton. 

Roman was to close for comfort with Virgil so he pushed closer to me. We started eating and was surprised by the flavors, nothing tasted rotten or bad. The fruit was sweet and the other food was good too. 

"Why do you look so surprised by the food?" Prince Ben asked.

"All the food we have ever eaten except at Ursula's fish and chips is either rotten, moldy, or covered in garbage."I replied.

"What why?"Patton asked shocked.

"Because, Your Grace  we only get your peoples leftovers shipped to us." Virgil replied with sarcasm and a sneer.

"Ohh, guys it's shipment day today!" Thomas squealed. "I hope the pirates get there first. We left them in charge they better get the best stuff." 

"What do you mean get there first and the best stuff? Don't you guys share? And it is a school day shouldn't they be in classes?"Roman asked.

"At the Isle of the Lost we don't share, we steal and raid. We mean that who ever gets there first gets to pick stuff first before going back to their territory. And all VKs stop going to school before we even get to high school."Deceit explained.

The bell rung stopping our conversation. 

*Time Skip*

We walk to General Goodness 101 and sit in the back. The princes walk in after us and sit in the front. Fairy Godmother comes in a starts talking. I'm taking notes while Virgil is leaning back in his chair next to me. 

"Mr.Snow, what would you do if someone handed you a crying baby? Do you a) curse it, b) lock it in a tower, c)give it a bottle, or d) carve out it's heart?" Fairy Godmother asked.

"You give it a bottle."he answered. "The least fun answer."he whispered.

"Good. Prince Patton, if you had poison what would you do? a) Put it in the king's wine, b) paint it on an apple, or c) turn it over to the proper authorities."she asked with a too bright smile.

"You had it over to the proper authorities." he responded happily.


The bell when off for the end of the day.

"Do you guys want to come to our tourney practice? You can try out or sit in the bleachers and watch."Remy asked.

"What the fuck is tourney?"Thomas questioned.

"It's hard to explain we should just show you."Roman told us. 

Deceit wanted to try out, so the rest of us agreed to watch. We walked to the field and sat in the bleachers while Deceit and the princes went to get changed.

While they were practicing we got up and walked closer to the fence. When Deceit scored a goal Virgil did a back flip and yelled "GO DECEIT!!!". He scored again and Thomas did a front flip and shouted the same thing. When he scored one last time I did an aerial and shouted, go Deceit again.

When they finished practicing Deceit walked over and told us that he got a spot on the team.  The princes walked over to us after they talked to their friends. 

"Where did you learn how to do those flips and tricks?"Ben asked.

"On the Isle of the Lost we got into a lot of tight places figuratively and literally, so we learned these tricks as you called them to get out of those situations."Virgil explained. 

They nodded, and started walking. We went back to Virgil and my dorm to relax and do homework.

"Looogann, can I use your notes. Pretty please, you know I don't do work and take notes really well."Virgil asked sweetly, which doesn't suit him at all. 

I took out my folder (bright blue) and a folder I made for Virgil (black). I handed Virgil his folder that had all of today's notes in it.

"Thank you, Logan."he said with a smile.

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