Chapter 5

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A/N~ I didn't stay on schedule. I apologize a lot of things were happening at school and with family.

Remy PoV

Virgil and Deceit changed a lot, but not in a bad way. Logan was still driving the limo but you could see his hair glowing through the window into the front.  Virgil whispered something to Deceit before they both sunk out of the car. The limo swerved for a second before it straightened out again. You could see Logan's hair through the window anymore so I'm assuming that he left too. 

Deceit rolled down the window and announced that we weren't at the loft and we could get out of the limo. We all did and we started to walk towards a gated off stairway. Thomas hit the intercome in a pattern and the gate opened up. The princes and I looked around at the isle in disgust. There was trash on the ground and graffiti on every flat surface.  When Thomas called out to us we all scrabbled to follow him and my boyfriend.

Virgil and Logan have disappeared and when I went to ask where they were Thomas started to talk.

"Don't touch anything in the loft, especially if it is labeled Logan's it is most likely a body part of some kind. Stay on the couch until Logan and Virgil are back with Carlos, they shouldn't be too long now," he told us before walking into a room with a purple door.

All four of us sat squished together on the one couch they had. They had a tv in the corner of the room with like 12 antennas on top of it. Roman got up and grabbed the remote and flipped through the three channels. One that was selling shackles, one was the Auradon news, and one was an animated version of my parents' story. We watched that and then half of Snow White. 

Logan came barging in followed by his brother carrying a small boy with white and black hair and clothes. 

"Set him down on the table Virge, and see if he is awake. Then go get De and Tommy." Virgil nodded and put the frail boy on the only truly flat surface in the loft. 

He shook him a little and the multi-color haired boy groggily sat up.  Virgil nodded to him and walked into Thomas' room and then the room with the yellow door with scratches on it. Thomas and Deceit walked out of their rooms and rushed over to the boy that was now being checked over by Logan.

"You seem fine, Carlos. Just tell Hook to take things easy and you will be back to your old self in a week." Logan told him.

Virgil picked him up again and brought him outside and down the stairs to the limo. Deceit and Thomas followed him out the door. 

"Well, are you coming or not? We have to drop Carlos off at the ship before we leave." Logan said before following the others. 

We all glanced at each other before going down to get in the car. Carlos, Deceit, and Thomas were already in the back. Virgil was sitting in the passenger's seat waiting for Logan and the rest of us. 

It was a long drive to the docks but when we got there there was a group of pirate looking teenagers waiting for us. In the front of the group was a dark-skinned girl with sea-blue hair, a pirate hat, and a sword strapped to her belt. Next to her was an insane-looking pale boy with black hair, a hook in his hand, and a pirate hat hanging from his sword on his belt. Carlos hopped out of the car before it could fully stop and jumped in the insane-looking boy's arms. 

"Thanks, fer getting him back mates," he said to Virgil and Logan when they got out of the front.

"Hey, Sea Queen.  Did ya miss me?" Virgil asked the blue-haired girl. 

"Of course I did Ice Prince. Too bad you aren't staying longer," she responded before walking over and hugging Virgil as hard as she could.

"I know, but hey maybe we can come back for longer soon," he said sounding hopeful.

"Maybe. See you later Virgie," she said turning and walking back inside. 

"Yeah, see you later Uma," he replied before getting back in the car. 

"Come on we have to go back to the loft for a minute I forgot something there," Thomas said.

We all got back in the car and drove to the loft. Thomas and Virgil got out, ran up to the loft, and came back. Thomas had a few vials in his arms and got in the car. Virgil went to get in but was hit with a blue almost white beam of light and fell to the ground.



"Yes, you have to go. You can come back later but now you need to leave." Virgil said.

The blue beam became more and more powerful to the point that Virgil couldn't move. 

"Fine, but I am coming back brother. Just stay out of trouble as best you can. Okay?" Logan told him before peeling away from where the car was parked.

Roman started to yell at him to go back before stopping when he saw the look on Logan's face.

~later back at Auradon~

"Why did you leave him?" Roman shouted at Logan when we got out of the car. 

"Because we all would have had to stay instead of just Virgil. Trust me it is better this way. We can go back and get him later, but not now." Logan said before quickly walking away. 

Thomas and Deceit looked at Roman angerly before swiftly following Logan.

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