Chapter 4

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A/N~Sorry guys this is just a filler, and gives some more backstory to the characters. A better chapter should be up next week, if I stay on schedule.

Remy PoV

Deceit, Virgil, Logan, and Thomas walked over to us looking antsy. "Soooo, our friend got kidnapped. Can we go save him? You can come if you want to." Thomas asked nervously. "Tommy, that's not the question. We are going to get our friend. Would you like to come with us?" Virgil said from behind him. "Yeah, we'll come with you."Ben said from next to me. "Great, we better get going." Logan said before turning and walking away. Virgil whispered something to Deceit before following him. "Well, come on." Dee said before grabbing both mine and Roman's hand while Thomas grabbed Ben and Patton.

Everyone packed a bag and got in the limo. A golden bridge of light appeared as we drove off of a cliff over the sea. "So, a few rules you need to know; first, stay in our loft unless you want to get hurt, second, Deceit, Logan, and I will look a little different because in Auradon Thomas put a glamour on us but magic doesn't work on the Isle, and third, Deceit has a curse on him that anything he says is the opposite of what he means so keep that in mind."Virgil told us from across the seats. 

"Now get ready the passing through the barrier feels weird."Logan said from the front where he was driving. Golden light surrounded us and you could see the differences in Dee and Virgil. Half of Deceit's face looked like a snake and his right eye was a yellow snake eye. Virgil looked more like ice, his hair hardened and his skin got even paler. Virgil turned and knocked on the tinted window into the driver's seat and Logan lowered it (his hair was now blue flames that was combed back), "Drive this to the loft we don't need scavengers taking it." Virge told him. "Of course, brother."Logan replied.

"Brother?"Patton asked. "Yeah, we are the twin sons of the Snow Queen and Hades. I stayed with mother because I got her powers and Logan stayed with Father because he got his powers. We didn't know we had each other until we were 10 we both ran away and met and pretty much stayed together ever since."Virgil told us. "I thought you and Logan used to be together." Roman said honestly. "Nope, Logan and Deceit used to date I dated Malcolm son of Maleficent. He is one of the people who took our friend." Virgil said before looking out the window at the people and shops we pass by.

Sander sides and Descendants auDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora