Chapter 7

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A/N~~I am challenging myself to write an entire chapter with no dialogue. Sorry if this sucks.

The Royals followed after the Elites walking carefully around piles of trash and muddy puddles. FInally making it to the docks they walked inside of Uma's ship. Pirates were loitering waiting for food while Uma sat on her throne surrounded by Harry, Carlos, and Gil. Virgil handed Logan his tax bag and walked over to one of the pirates dressed in green and black. He smiled as soon as he caught sight of Virgil. 

Logan walked over to Uma and took out the tiara handing it to her telling her it was a gift from Dizzy along with the rest of taxes. Uma smiled and placed the tiara on her head. Thomas went over to Carlos to check on him and Deceit sat down at a table of 12. The Royals followed Deceit and looked around at all of the people in the restaurant. Remy looked eyes with one of the pirates and the hook handed boy bared his yellowing teeth at him making Remy look away. 

Virgil came over with the green and black pirate and sat next to Deceit. The pirate introduced himself and Remus and started talking to Roman about the similarities in their looks. Virgil rolled his eyes and waved over Logan whispering something in his ear when he made his way over. Logan rolled his eyes and sat next to Patton with a plate full of greasy fries. He started to pick at the fries while also pushing the plate towards Patton in an attempt to share. Patton smiled at his boyfriend and grabbed a fry popping it into his mouth.

Thomas finally joined the others after making sure Harry was letting Carlos rest. He sat down in between Ben and his father pushing himself into his boyfriends side. Ben wrapped his arm around Thomas' slim shoulders holding him close. Ben looked around at the table and smiled seeing the Royals get along with the Elites was good maybe then they will realize that the villain kids need to be taking off of the Isle and brought to Auradon. 

Cinderella turned to her son's boyfriend watching as he shared with her Patton. Cinderella finally opened her mouth to ask about Dizzy like she has been dying to do since she saw her in the hair salon. logan explained that Drizella can't have children so Anastasia was her surrogate and that is why Dizzy looks more like Anastasia that Drizella while being her daughter. Cinderella smiled to herself knowing that some of her stepsisters' spitefulness must have left them both otherwise things would not have ended as they did.

Just then a young pirate boy came bursting into the restaurant rambling about the Queen arriving. Everyone started to rush around to hide away and the Elites had to pull the Royals away and out of the main room to hide them before returning to stand beside Uma, Harry, and Gil in a silent front. 

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Sep 19, 2020 ⏰

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